
my templater templates for obsidian

The UnlicenseUnlicense

the default template

the template i use for default in all of my notes unless i wanna use something else for specific types. the template chooses tags based on a dictionary of phrases you define in the template. it also asks you if this note is extracted from another note (if its a child to another note) and if you choose use it asks you for that note and adds a link to it with extracted-from:: behind it. this can be used to define relationships in the breadcrumbs plugin

the source note template

  • this is a template i use for loading pdfs and annotating them using the annotator plugin.
  • it uses the breadcrumbs plugin to define any outgoing link from this note as a child to this note.
  • the template chooses tags based on a dictionary of phrases you define in the template.
  • the template asks for the formating of the pdf based on the book or source name that you've defined in a dictionary. most books in the current example dont require any special formating of the name and only require the rame of the pdf to be the same as the note. on others like pdfs from the UptoDate source require a specific naming convention for the pdf so they are seperated in a switch
  • in case you dont want to use any specific naming convention and just want to add the name of the pdf it will ask you and it will add the new name instead

the rename template

  • a template that turns renames your active note and capitalizes the notes name

excalidrawtemp.excalidraw.md template

  • a template for new excalidraw files configured to automatically load the bright life pallate from the file included

Book & movie Template

templates based on their respective obsidina plugins