
Mailjet Mail Transport for Laravel using Mailjet API V3

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Larajet is a mail transport for Laravel. It is a MailJet integration package. Much like Mailgun, this allows for sending Mail via the mailjet api (based on Mailjet API v3.) It supports Mailables and Notifables.

Sboo had already done a lot of the heavy lifting.


Via Composer

$ composer require robrogers3/larajet

You will need to update app.php

In Package Service Providers add


Also, add this line to the 'aliases' array 'MailJet' => Larajet\Facades\MailJet::class,

Then you need to configure services.php. Add this:

    'mailjet' => [
        'public_key' => env('MAILJET_PUBLIC_KEY'),
        'private_key' => env('MAILJET_PRIVATE_KEY'),
        'from' => env('MAIL_FROM'),
        'driver' => env('MAIL_DRIVER'),
        'guzzle' => [],
        'api_url' => 'https://api.mailjet.com/v3/send'

You will need to update your .env file accordingly.


The best way is to create a Mailable. e.g.

php artisan make:mail TestMail

Then just mail it!

use App\Mail\TestMail;

        ->subject('Test Mail')
        ->send(new TestMail);

Learn about Mailables

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test

There is only one test. It tests the mail was sent.

Basically the steps are:

  • Call a console command, or hit a route that sends an email.
  • There are no more steps.

A route might look like:

use App\Mail\TestMail;

Route::get('/sendmail', function() {
        ->send(new TestMail);
    return 'sent?';


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email robrogers@me.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.