
Deploying simple smart contract on Goerli testnet using Alchemy and Hardhat.

Primary LanguageSolidity


  • Connect to the Ethereum network using Alchemy, a supercharged API to communicate with the chain.
  • Create an app on Alchemy and get the API key.
  • Add ether to Ethereum account on MetaMask from the Goerli faucet.
  • Check account balance using Alchemy's composer tool.
  • Intialise an npm project and install and initialise Hardhat, a smart contract development tool.
  • Add the contracts and scripts folder for better organisation.
  • Write a basic smart contract that maintains the state variable message and provides a public function to update the message.
  • Store your Alchemy API key and your account's private key in an .env file (install dotenv package).
  • Setup the Hardhat configuration to use your Alchemy API key and your account's private key to connect with Goerli testnet.
  • Compile and deploy the smart contract.

Contract deployed to address: 0x6A91E93d407a6116Aa6b3bd4A2f0779d615F20A3

Link to your deployed transaction on the Goerli Etherscan: https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0xaa534ff6bd5f218af55c5e2a751b2c04f90805da8beb14c1dde8e73dfa76752e