
Java is a popular object-oriented programming language widely used for developing a variety of applications. This repository aims to provide comprehensive code examples covering various Java concepts, from basic syntax to advanced topics like concurrency and JavaFX. Each code example includes comments and explanations to help you understand the underlying concepts.

Java Concepts Repository

Welcome to the Java Concepts Repository! This repository contains a collection of Java code examples covering basic to advanced concepts of the Java programming language. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn Java or an experienced developer looking to brush up on your skills, this repository aims to provide you with comprehensive code examples and explanations. Table of Contents

Getting Started
Code Examples
    3.1 Basic Concepts
    3.2 Object-Oriented Programming
    3.3 Exception Handling
    3.4 Collections
    3.5 Concurrency
    3.6 Input/Output
    3.7 Generics
    3.8 Lambda Expressions
    3.9 JavaFX



Java is a popular object-oriented programming language widely used for developing a variety of applications. This repository aims to provide comprehensive code examples covering various Java concepts, from basic syntax to advanced topics like concurrency and JavaFX. Each code example includes comments and explanations to help you understand the underlying concepts.

Getting Started

To get started with the code examples, follow these steps: Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your machine. You can download the latest version of JDK from the Oracle website.

Open your preferred Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans.

Import the cloned repository into your IDE as a Java project.

Navigate to the desired code example within the project and explore the code and comments.

Compile and run the code example to see it in action.

Code Examples

The code examples are organized into different categories based on the Java concepts they cover. Here's a brief overview of the categories:

3.1 Basic Concepts

This section covers the fundamental building blocks of Java, including variables, data types, control flow statements, loops, and basic input/output.

3.2 Object-Oriented Programming

Learn about the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java. This section covers classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

3.3 Exception Handling

Understand how to handle exceptions in Java to ensure robust error handling and graceful program execution. This section covers try-catch blocks, multiple catch blocks, throwing and catching custom exceptions, and exception propagation.

3.4 Collections

Explore Java's built-in collection framework and learn how to work with lists, sets, maps, and queues. This section covers ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap, and more.

3.5 Concurrency

Discover concurrent programming in Java, including multithreading, synchronization, locks, and thread communication. This section covers creating and managing threads, thread synchronization using synchronized keyword and locks, and thread communication using wait() and notify().

3.6 Input/Output

Learn how to perform input and output operations in Java, such as reading from and writing to files, working with streams, and serialization.

3.7 Generics

Understand how to write generic classes, methods, and interfaces in Java to create reusable and type-safe code.

3.8 Lambda Expressions

Explore functional programming in Java using lambda expressions. This section covers writing and using lambda expressions, functional interfaces, and method references.

3.9 JavaFX

Discover JavaFX, a platform for building rich desktop applications. This section covers creating UI components, handling events, layouts, and more.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use the code examples for educational and personal projects.