
Problem Statement: There is no ruler in the universe of Southeros and pandemonium reigns. Shan, the gorilla king of the Space kingdom wants to rule all Six Kingdoms in the universe of Southeros. He needs the support of 3 more kingdoms to be the ruler. Each kingdom has an animal emblem and Shan needs to send a message with the animal in the message to win them over. LAND emblem - Panda, WATER emblem - Octopus, ICE emblem - Mammoth, AIR emblem - Owl, FIRE emblem - Dragon. Your coding challenge is to have King Shan send secret message to each kingdom and win them over. Once he wins 3 more kingdoms, he is the ruler! The secret message needs to contain the letters of the animal in their emblem. For example, secret message to the Land kingdom (emblem: Panda) needs to have the letter 'p','n','d' at- least once and 'a' at-least twice. If he sends "a1d22n333a4444p" to the Land kingdom, he will win them over.

Sample Input and Output: Who is the ruler of Southeros? Ouput: None Allies of Ruler? Output: None Input Messages to kingdoms from King Shan: Input: Air, “oaaawaala” Input: Land, “a1d22n333a4444p” Input: Ice, “zmzmzmzaztzozh” Who is the ruler of Southeros? Output: King Shan Allies of Ruler? Output: Air, Land, Ice

Software Dependencies: Java8 Test dependencies: How to add Libraries in Intellij : Download dependencies from maven: powermock-api-mockito-1.6.5 powermock-module-junit4-1.6.5

or required jars can be found in lib folder

IDE support: IntelliJ IDEA

How to run application; Run the main method which is in src/