- First, I've build a Docker Image to use within Deployment of Kubernetes --Steps in DockerFile --> Jenkins Image with some plugins installed
I use myJenkinsImage from Dockerfile and Jenkins 2.263.2 from JenkinsRepo.
jenkins_deployment and jenkins_service yaml files used to deploy and create a jenkis service over kubernetes
jenkins ClusterRoleBinding and Jenkins ServiceAccount to give authorize jenkins master inside the cluster
make sure to disable firewall incase you want to install some plugins from Jenkins UI
Manage Nodes - Cloud Config. Add Kubernetes Cluster and Jenkins server and Tunnel
Set Master Exexcutor to Zero
JenkinsUI -> Manage Jenkins -> Nodes -> Clouds
setup kubernetes as cloud - where
- Kubernetes URL---> kubectl cluster-info
- Jenkins URL --> kubectl describe | grep IP --> IP of jenkins Pod
In case the Jenkins master is outside the cluster (not a pod inside Cluster)
U need to use certificates as Credentials to your jenkikns configrations in UI Please see https://paranoiaque.fr/en/2019/07/14/run-jenkins-jobs-on-kubernetes/
echo -n $(cat $CONFIG | grep certificate-authority-data | cut -d: -f2) | base64 -d > ca.crt
echo -n $(cat $CONFIG | grep client-certificate-data | cut -d: -f2) | base64 -d > client.crt
echo -n $(cat $CONFIG | grep client-key-data | cut -d: -f2) | base64 -d > client.key
openssl pkcs12 -export -out cert.pfx -inkey client.key -in client.crt -certfile ca.crt
rm client.crt client.key
- Enter the following parameters:
Kubernetes URL: your Kubernetes server API url, you can find it in .kube/config, line server
Kubernetes server certificate key: the content of the previously generated file ca.crt
Credentials: select your Kubernetes certificate, the one we have added previously
Jenkins URL: the URL to access to your Jenkins server
use jenkinsci/jnlp-slave as pod template's Image
open port 40241 on master jenkins