-Fresh graduate from faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. -BC.S in Electrical Engineering- Major: Electronics& Communication.
Pinned Repositories
The Atomic Blog is a React application that allows users to create, search, and manage blog posts. It features a dark mode toggle, search functionality, and the ability to add and clear posts. Users can also view an archive of posts and add them as new posts. The project utilizes React, faker-js, and @faker-js/faker dependencies.
"How React Works" is a project showcasing various concepts and features of React.It includes examples of React components, state management, event handling, conditional rendering, and more.
The "Memory Game" is a classic card-matching game built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It features a grid of 16 shuffled cards, each with a hidden image. Players must flip two cards at a time to find matching pairs. The game tracks moves, time, and best scores. To play, open the HTML file in a web browser and start matching cards.
MyReads is a React-based book tracking app that allows users to organize their books into different shelves, including "Currently Reading," "Want to Read," and "Read." Users can search for books and add them to their shelves, and move books between shelves as needed.
Pig Game is a fun, interactive dice game built with HTML and JavaScript.Players take turns to roll a die, aiming to reach a score of 100 first.The game logic is handled in JavaScript, while the interface is designed using HTML.
The task manager app enables users to manage tasks with CRUD operations, supporting title, id, and status (completed or not). It also includes error handling for common issues, such as invalid input, undefined routes, and database errors.
Today I Learned is a web-based fact management system that allows users to view, add, and delete facts from the system. Users can also react to each fact and view the number of reactions for each one. It features a responsive design and the ability to store reaction numbers in local storage to prevent data loss.
Natours is a full-stack project for a tour booking company. It features CRUD operations for tours, reviews, users, and bookings, user authentication, password encryption and reset, image processing, payment processing, error handling, and more. The project uses Node.js, Express, MongoDB, JWT, Stripe, Mapbox, Pug, and other technologies.
"Would You Rather" is a web application built with React and Redux that allows users to create and answer "Would You Rather" polls, where each poll presents two options and asks the user to choose one. The project was developed as part of the Udacity React Nanodegree program.
Mahmoud-AbouDeghedy's Repositories
Natours is a full-stack project for a tour booking company. It features CRUD operations for tours, reviews, users, and bookings, user authentication, password encryption and reset, image processing, payment processing, error handling, and more. The project uses Node.js, Express, MongoDB, JWT, Stripe, Mapbox, Pug, and other technologies.
"How React Works" is a project showcasing various concepts and features of React.It includes examples of React components, state management, event handling, conditional rendering, and more.
The "Memory Game" is a classic card-matching game built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It features a grid of 16 shuffled cards, each with a hidden image. Players must flip two cards at a time to find matching pairs. The game tracks moves, time, and best scores. To play, open the HTML file in a web browser and start matching cards.
MyReads is a React-based book tracking app that allows users to organize their books into different shelves, including "Currently Reading," "Want to Read," and "Read." Users can search for books and add them to their shelves, and move books between shelves as needed.
The Atomic Blog is a React application that allows users to create, search, and manage blog posts. It features a dark mode toggle, search functionality, and the ability to add and clear posts. Users can also view an archive of posts and add them as new posts. The project utilizes React, faker-js, and @faker-js/faker dependencies.
Pig Game is a fun, interactive dice game built with HTML and JavaScript.Players take turns to roll a die, aiming to reach a score of 100 first.The game logic is handled in JavaScript, while the interface is designed using HTML.
The task manager app enables users to manage tasks with CRUD operations, supporting title, id, and status (completed or not). It also includes error handling for common issues, such as invalid input, undefined routes, and database errors.
Today I Learned is a web-based fact management system that allows users to view, add, and delete facts from the system. Users can also react to each fact and view the number of reactions for each one. It features a responsive design and the ability to store reaction numbers in local storage to prevent data loss.
"Would You Rather" is a web application built with React and Redux that allows users to create and answer "Would You Rather" polls, where each poll presents two options and asks the user to choose one. The project was developed as part of the Udacity React Nanodegree program.
The Basic Banking System is a React and Express-based application enabling users to create accounts, perform transactions, and access account details. It utilizes React, Express, MySQL, Axios, and Nodemon.
Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Complete Node.js Bootcamp
The Friends App is a simple React-based tool for managing your friends and sharing expenses. You can add friends, view their balances, and easily split bills. The technologies behind it include React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS for a smooth user experience.
This Next.js project is a web application for managing and displaying events. Users can view featured events, explore event details, register for newsletters, and search for events based on specific criteria. The project includes various components, pages, API routes, and helper functions to provide a seamless user experience.
Implements the Expressjs Hello World example to provide a faster start deploying on the Cyclic platform
FlashCardSage is a web application for creating and managing flashcard decks. It allows users to create decks, add flashcards to them, and study the flashcards.
A single-page resume template completely typeset with HTML & CSS.
This project is a personal blog developed by Mahmoud. The blog focuses on programming and web development topics. It includes featured posts on the home page and a hero section. The project also includes dynamic page generation for each blog post page and a section for personal-contact to send feedback.
Fast React Pizza a React-based web application that displays a dynamic pizza menu.The application allows users to view pizza details, including name, ingredients, price, and availability.
The "React Quiz App" is a quiz application developed with React, allowing users to answer a series of questions and receive scores based on their responses. It's built with React and utilizes json-server for a mock REST API during development.
This project is a banking application built using React and Redux. It allows users to create new customers, manage accounts, deposit and withdraw funds, request loans, and pay back loans.
The Shopping Cart Redux App is a React and Redux-based application for adding and managing products in a shopping cart, with state management via Redux. For production deployment, use npm run build. This app is built with React, Redux, and Redux Toolkit.
Steps is a simple React application that guides users through a series of messages.Users can navigate through the steps, and close or reopen the interface as needed.
The React Packing List Application simplifies your packing needs. It's built with React and TypeScript, enabling users to add, delete, and toggle list items with ease, as well as clear the entire list. Use the form to add items, delete them with a button, toggle their status with checkboxes, or clear the entire list.
The Movie Catalog App is a React-based application that lets users search for movies, view movie details, rate movies, and maintain a list of watched movies. It's built with TypeScript and styled with Tailwind CSS. The app utilizes the OMDB API for movie data. Users can search movies, view details, add movies to the watched list, and get a summary.
This project is a React-based application designed to assist users with their workout routines by providing a dynamic workout timer. The app includes a feature to toggle sound notifications and adjusts the number of exercises based on the time of day.
This project provides various features related to cities and countries, allowing users to view city and country lists, add new cities, and access additional functionalities after logging in.