
Simple sports map tracker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mapty App Project

Table of Contents


The starter project files had the page structure and interface set in HTML and CSS for the Mapty app. I had to implement a workout tracker that contains the location and activity details on the map using Leaflet library API and maintain the data in localStorage browser API.


Any code editor (e.g: VSCode, Atom,... etc)


Terminal commands to start using the project:

  • Get a copy on your machine
`git clone https://github.com/Aragorn-Elessar/Mapty.git`
  • Call into the directory location
`cd Mapty`
  • Opens code in VSCode
`code .`

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Main Application Architecture

  • Define selectors for needed elements
const form = document.querySelector('.form');
const containerWorkouts = document.querySelector('.workouts');
const inputType = document.querySelector('.form__input--type');
const inputDistance = document.querySelector('.form__input--distance');
const inputDuration = document.querySelector('.form__input--duration');
const inputCadence = document.querySelector('.form__input--cadence');
const inputElevation = document.querySelector('.form__input--elevation');
  • Private variables defined in the class field
class App {
  #mapZoomLevel = 13;
  #workouts = [];
  • Functions that needs to be run on page load and attached listeners for main events
  constructor() {
    // Ger user's position

    // Get data from local storage

    // Attach event handlers
    // bind this to app object instead of form element
    form.addEventListener('submit', this._newWorkout.bind(this));

    inputType.addEventListener('change', this._toggleElevationfield);

    containerWorkouts.addEventListener('click', this._moveToPopup.bind(this));
  • Get current user position and pass it to loadMap function
  _getPosition() {
    if (navigator.geolocation)
      // Execute callback function & pass position as soon as current user position determined
        // bind this to app object instead of undefined
        function () {
          alert('Could not get your position');
  • Load map view with the user passed coords and specified zoom level, and attach a listener for map clicks to show the workout form
  _loadMap(position) {
    const { latitude } = position.coords;
    const { longitude } = position.coords;

    const coords = [latitude, longitude];

    this.#map = L.map('map').setView(coords, this.#mapZoomLevel);

    L.tileLayer('https://tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        '&copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',

    // Handling clicks on map
    this.#map.on('click', this._showForm.bind(this));

    // Render marker for localStorage after map is available
    this.#workouts.forEach(work => {
  • Show workout form and and set #mapEvent value to the clicked position event
  _showForm(mapE) {
    this.#mapEvent = mapE;

    // Show form & focus on input field
  • Empty inputs and hide form after the user submits the workout, also reassign the display grid value after the form is hidden to restore the animation using setTimeout() method
  _hideForm() {
    // Empty inputs
    inputDistance.value =
      inputDuration.value =
      inputCadence.value =
      inputElevation.value =

    // Prevent animation in form class
    form.style.display = 'none';
    // Add grid value to restore display features
    setTimeout(() => (form.style.display = 'grid'), 1000);
  • Toggle elevation/cadence field for cycling/running workouts
  _toggleElevationfield() {
  • Create and render a new running/cycling workout on map & list depending on the validated user data entered, and save it in local storage
  _newWorkout(e) {
    const validInputs = (...inputs) => {
      return inputs.every(inp => Number.isFinite(inp));
    const allPositive = (...inputs) => {
      return inputs.every(inp => inp > 0);

    // Prevent page from reloading

    // Get data from form
    const type = inputType.value;
    // + converts the string to a number
    const distance = +inputDistance.value;
    const duration = +inputDuration.value;
    const { lat, lng } = this.#mapEvent.latlng;
    let workout;

    // If activity running, create running object
    if (type === 'running') {
      const cadence = +inputCadence.value;

      // Check if data is valid
      if (
        !validInputs(distance, duration, cadence) ||
        !allPositive(distance, duration, cadence)
        return alert('Inputs have to be positive numbers!');

      // Create new workout
      workout = new Running([lat, lng], distance, duration, cadence);

    // If activity cycling, create cycling object
    if (type === 'cycling') {
      const elevation = +inputElevation.value;

      // Check if data is valid
      if (
        !validInputs(distance, duration, elevation) ||
        !allPositive(distance, duration)
        return alert('Inputs have to be positive numbers!');

      // Create new workout
      workout = new Cycling([lat, lng], distance, duration, elevation);

    // Add new object to workouts array

    // Render workout on list

    // Render workout on list

    // Hide form + clear input field

    // Set local storage to all workouts
  • Render the workout marker using the passed coordinates, select the popup style and set its content to the workout description
  // Render workout on map as marker
  _renderWorkoutMarker(workout) {
          maxWidth: 250,
          minWidth: 100,
          autoClose: false,
          closeButton: false,
          closeOnClick: false,
          className: `${workout.type}-popup`,
        `${workout.type === 'running' ? 'πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ' : 'πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ'} ${workout.description}`
  • Create & insert the new workout in the app form list depending on its type using ternary operators
  _renderWorkout(workout) {
    const html = `
    <li class="workout workout--${workout.type}"   data-id="${workout.id}">
      <h2 class="workout__title">${workout.description}</h2>
      <div class="workout__details">
        <span class="workout__icon">${
          workout.type === 'running' ? 'πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ' : 'πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ'
        <span class="workout__value">${workout.distance}</span>
        <span class="workout__unit">km</span>
      <div class="workout__details">
        <span class="workout__icon">⏱</span>
        <span class="workout__value">${workout.duration}</span>
        <span class="workout__unit">min</span>
        workout.type === 'running'
          ? `
      <div class="workout__details">
        <span class="workout__icon">⚑️</span>
        <span class="workout__value">${workout.pace.toFixed(1)}</span>
        <span class="workout__unit">min/km</span>
      <div class="workout__details">
        <span class="workout__icon">🦢🏼</span>
        <span class="workout__value">${workout.cadence}</span>
        <span class="workout__unit">spm</span>
          : `
      <div class="workout__details">
        <span class="workout__icon">⚑️</span>
        <span class="workout__value">${workout.speed.toFixed(1)}</span>
        <span class="workout__unit">km/h</span>
      <div class="workout__details">
        <span class="workout__icon">β›°</span>
        <span class="workout__value">${workout.elevation}</span>
        <span class="workout__unit">m</span>

    form.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
  • Move to the map marker for the clicked workout in the list
  _moveToPopup(e) {
    const workoutEl = e.target.closest('.workout');

    // Guard clause
    if (!workoutEl) return;

    const workout = this.#workouts.find(
      work => work.id === workoutEl.dataset.id

    this.#map.setView(workout.coords, this.#mapZoomLevel, {
      animate: true,
      pan: {
        duration: 1,
  • Store workouts in localStorage browser API
  _setLocalStorage() {
    localStorage.setItem('workouts', JSON.stringify(this.#workouts));
  • Retrieve and render workouts data from the local storage
  _getLocalStorage() {
    const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('workouts'));

    // Guard clause
    if (!data) return;

    this.#workouts = data;

    this.#workouts.forEach(work => {
  • Reset method to clear local storage
  reset() {

Application Sub Classes

  • A Workout class for shared data and a method to set the description for Running & Cycling classes
class Workout {
  date = new Date();
  id = (Date.now() + '').slice(-10);
  clicks = 0;

  constructor(coords, distance, duration) {
    this.coords = coords; // [lat, lng]
    this.distance = distance; // in km
    this.duration = duration; // in min

  _setDescription() {
    // prettier-ignore
    const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];

    this.description = `${this.type[0].toUpperCase() + this.type.slice(1)} on ${
    } ${this.date.getDate()}`;
  • Class for running workout data with a call to calcPace() method which calculates the pace and setDescription() method as well
class Running extends Workout {
  type = 'running';

  constructor(coords, distance, duration, cadence) {
    super(coords, distance, duration);
    this.cadence = cadence;

  calcPace() {
    // min/km
    this.pace = this.duration / this.distance;
    return this.pace;
  • Class for cycling workout data with a call to calcSpeed() method which calculates the speed and setDescription() method too
class Cycling extends Workout {
  type = 'cycling';

  constructor(coords, distance, duration, elevationGain) {
    super(coords, distance, duration);
    this.elevation = elevationGain;

  calcSpeed() {
    // km/h
    this.speed = this.distance / (this.duration / 60);
    return this.speed;


Mahmoud Gadallah


A Udemy project, provided by Jonas Schmedtmann JavaScript course

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