
An adjustabble animation of Solar system with a number of planets using matlab

Primary LanguageMATLABGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Solar System Animation using Matlab

Code Functions/scripts

* draw_sphere (Function)
* animateOrbit (Function)
* saveGif (Function)
* Start (Script)

draw_sphere (Function)

[surfHandle,surfX,surfY] = draw_sphere(A,X_Center,Y_Center)  
draws a sphere with radius A and center coordinates(X_Center,Y_Center)  
And returns the surf handle and X & Y data

call Example



animateOrbit (Function)

 Animate a Solar system with a star in the middle and a planet / planets. 

call Example with one planet


call Example with multiple planets of parallel eliptical orbits

animateOrbit(300,[25 150 75],[1000,2000,3000],[750,1500,2250]);

call Example with multiple planets of non-parallel eliptical orbits

animateOrbit(300,[25 150 75],[1300,2200,3500],[1000,2000,2500]);

saveGif (Function)

allows you to save the animation in a GIF file. uncomment line 99 in animateOrbit function to Enable it

Start (Script)

  Starts The animation & holds 3 important control variables NumberOfCirculations speeds TimeSteps


  determines the number of orbits the planets do before the animation stops


  Controls the speed of each planet


  Controls the the smoothness of transition over the circular orbit

Testing lines section has 4 test cases in lines 14 - 17 - 20 - 24

  uncomment any line of those to test the results

Supported Features:

- multiple planet representation
- Speed Control for each planet
- Transition smoothness control
- eliptical path control via major and minor axes sizes
- save animation as a Gif If needed

Unsupported Features:

- Body mass and density not included in motion equations
- GIF saving frame rate is fixed not flexible

I'd be Glad to answer your questions. I did this project a long time a go. But I didn't have the time to document and share it.