Smart Home System

Project Features:

  1. SPI communication between 2 ECU’s The first ECU responsible for interfacing with the user and the second ECU IS control ECU
  2. Two mode of login owner mode and guest mode every mode with specific control features
  3. Security System in login in case entered wrong password limited number of tries
  4. Air Conditioning with Temperature sensor LM35 to detect whenever the home reached to required temperature
  5. Keypad and LCD show status and Controlling of Lights, TV and Air conditioning

And this is video for simulation on Proteus


**************** /explanation the sequence of progect/ ****************

FIRST: when login for first time system ask the user set the owner and gust passwod and save them in EEPROM

SECOND: just owner and just password are saved system ask the user to log as agust or owner mode .owner mode has fully control on all feature and guest has limited feature control in case login wrong mode password for 3 times system will alarm by buzzer and entered block stutes for 20 sec


THIRD: when login as owner mode we have fully contol all feature we can show status of every room,tv and air conditioning switched on or off througth LCD and in air conditioning*

FOURTH: in owner mode the air conitioning we have control on tempurture we can set as we want and there is a LM35 temperature sensor can sense the temperture of the home*


FIVTH: when we login as agust mode we have limited number of features to controll the home
