
Save the data offline using (Realm) and sync the online data with the saved data.

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS Native Mobile App.

  1. Using Facebook to login to the App.
  2. Using URL (https://dog.ceo/dog-api/) for all APIs needed.
  3. Splash, login screen, categories screen, categories details screen, animal details screen, add category/animal, search
  4. Save the data offline using (Realm) and sync the online data with the saved data.
  5. There is a “Add Button” on home screen top bar :- user can add category (Name , Image) and animal (Name) with validation for duplicate names to the local saved data (Realm).
  6. There is a “Search Button” on home screen top bar :- user can search for any animal and category (Auto complete with the suggestions from the local saved data).