Thank you for visiting my GitHub repository! Here, you'll find a collection of Dart projects that I've created to help illustrate some of the most important concepts and functions in the language. I hope that these projects will be useful to you as you learn and develop your Dart skills, whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer. As always, happy coding and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback! and I would like to thank those who helped me learn, for which I am grateful
such as :
(break statement)
(For loop)
(If and else statement) Control flow
(Switch Case Statement)
Abstract Methods and Classes OOP
Continue Statement
(Error Handling)
Callable Function OOP
Constructor OOP
difference between var and const and final
Fixed List
Functions (Default Parameters)
Functions (Names Parameters)
Functions (Optional Parameters)
Getters and Setters OOP
Higher Order Functions
Inheritance OOP
Inheritance with constructors OOP
Interface Classes OOP
Lambda Expression
Maps Collection
Method Overriding OOP
OOP (Classes and objects)
Set Data Type
Static Keyword OOP
Do while loop