
Major League Hacking's Global Hack Week INIT's Template Repository | Hack with React: Create a web app for a hackathon

Primary LanguageCSS

ghw info

Hey there! It's Ellie from Major League Hacking, the global hacker community! This repository includes everything you need to get started on a super cool React app that you'll be able to learn from to ~ elevate your web apps!

This repo was made for the Hack with React workshop at Global Hack Week: INIT, a week long event to kickoff the Major League Hacking 2023 Season! Want more resources from ellie? Check out the mlh-ellie stream resources site!

Get Started!

  • fork this repo, clone, and then open in VSCode!
  • do you have node or yarn installed?

Download node.js

follow instructions here, and check your versions!

Download yarn

npm install --global yarn


double check to make sure you have it!

yarn --version  

Let's set up React!

This repo already includes the react template imported. If you happen to be working on your own repo, you can use the command below in your terminal to get the React environment setup.

yarn create react-app my-app

Let's see it live!

Now that we have our base code ready to go, lets look at our current site!

cd my-app
yarn && yarn start

the development server will start! You'll view it on http://localhost:3000/

You can now get started with coding in React! Want some ideas? Check out Ellie's resources on some ways to get started!

ghw info