WorldScene is Udacity Capstone Nano degree project.
World Scene is a smart iOS app that enables users to keep in touch with the latest news in the world from different sources. And gives them the ability to explore, search and bookmark specific articles in a handy way.
- Authentication (Sign in/out )
- Search about a specific topic.
- Bookmark favorite headlines to read later.
- Delete headline from Bookmarks by swiping.
- Ability to add notes and delete it by swiping (it's helpful within navigation).
- Users have access to go to the source of the headline/Article on safari.
- The opening article on the same screen as an expandable cell or open in a different scene by clicking on the image button of the app logo.
- Navigation between articles and headlines collected from different sources around the world.
- Reading headline/articles and the related description in a separate scene for more details.
World scene app contains 4 main scenes beside the sign-in/up. Each scene of the four scenes has sub-scene/s that combined all together to match the best user experience.
World scene app keep tracks that user logged in either if you closed the app you can open it without signing again.
- Through this scene, the user can navigate headlines. He also can tap on any category from the top scrollable collection view to fetch all headlines related to that category from different resources
- Users can bookmark any headline by taping on the star. When the star disappear that means headline saved at bookmarks (you can open it later)
- By taping on a headline it opens its content in a separate scene called (Article) where you can go to the details and source of the article.
- Enables users to Explore/search articles in a handy way. by taping on the article it expands in the same place to simulate newspaper reading style.
- By tapping on the logo image button in the right bottom corner, You open the detailed separate scene where you can go to the details and source of the article.
- Use the search bar to search for anything related to the news to fetch all articles based on keywords.
- Explore different categories of news by tapping on any category on the top collection view
- The place where user can navigate - open - delete his favorite headlines.
- Delete the topic by swiping, open it in a separate view by tapping.
- It's additional tool to help user in writing notes during reading
- open note to separate scene b tapping on it or remove by swipping