Ring Quran Application for Ring Programming Language

برنامج القرآن الكريم للغة البرمجة رينج

made by : Mohannad Al-Ayash < mohannadazazalayash@gmail.com >

< mohannadazazalayash@gmail.com > المؤلف: مهند العياش

screen shots

ادريس ابكر محمد صديق المنشاوي مشاري العفاسي عبد الباسط عبدالصمد
Quran_ring screenshot 1 Quran_ring screenshot 2 Quran_ring screenshot 3 Quran_ring screenshot 4
عبد الرحمن السديس اسلام صبحي رعد محمد الكردي علي جابر
Quran_ring screenshot 5 Quran_ring screenshot 6 Quran_ring screenshot 7 Quran_ring screenshot 8

How To Run (don't have Ring Programming Language)

(1) Download Ring Programming Language and configure it for your machine

(2) Run This Command

ring Quran_ringController.ring

How To Run (have Ring Programming Language)

(1) Run this Command

ringpm install quran_ring from mohannad-aldulaimi

(2) Then Run This Command

ringpm run quran_ring

Important notes :

(1) this application depends on the mp3 quran api:


(2) Any updates of the authors of this api for reciters,moshafs or sowers will updated directly without any update or batch.

(3) fell free of using this application,and develop the source code or share it ,but you have to mention that it was made using Ring Programming Language.

اللهم اجعله عملاََ خالصاََ لوجهك عني وعن والدي وعن كل من نشر او استمع

Ph. & Dev. Mohannad Alayash (21/12/2023)