Python Flask APP (ETL)


is flask app that read excel files from a folder and create PostgreSQL Database tables with predefined schema and push the data into that PostgreSQL tables, the app handle unexpected errors and invalid types and apply all fixes needed to push the data into the all tables with 100% success rate the app apply small analysis while pushing the data to trace the progress and any failure or ignored data at the end the app return JSON report with information about success percentage for each file and what is rows ignored or it may have issue

How it Works

  • the app read excel file from Folder static/excel (and extract the data from the files)
['countries.csv', 'currency_details.csv', 'fx_rates.csv', 'transactions.csv', 'users.csv', 'fraudsters.csv']
  • if files replaced the app will read the updated files, then it will drop all tables and recreate with new data
  • column names case insensitive
  • columns order does not matter the APP use smart function to read the needed data
  • !note if file have index column that required like fx_rates or fraudsters the index must placed in beginning otherwise any all columns can be changed their order

the web API

the app have simple web API that return data in JSON format

  1. countries_api
  2. currency_details_api
  3. fx_rates_api
  4. transactions_api
  5. users_api
  6. fraudsters_api

!note API will convert the time values to String

final result
