
final ver with detected theree, removed, added, updated (work aspier difchecker but detect update not only remove


this repo try to study and anlsysis right diffrent and reach it logicaly without read previous techniques


ex2 image

rule2 (the right algo (max range) ) :

note max range means i used for example from left only 1 number so check with 1 v 1, or used 2 so check with 2 v 2 in programing the length of numbers used or index of last number on left used


confirm again


all things contains in max range and last stop and performance solution, performance here means not repeat same check in next ranges


  • performance only means not repeat same check in next ranges, eg range 1 i check 6 == 6, so when go to next range 2 which have 6 and 3 not repeat 6 == 3 no start with 3 == 3 , if it was not 3 eg 4 so next will be 6 == 6 if hard ignore performance and repeat check of first index within all ranges, all preduoce same result

what is last index how it works:


consider this image, as code show there are 2 cases which reflect 2 if statment

  • first case if the number on left which is current number of orignal loop which for example here the number 4 is found true which mean not changed so last index will start from index after the equal of it in this case start from 2

  • second case if the number on left deleted and the detection or equal happend in second if (ranges if) so last range will be same number stoped on it , why becuse next loop will take that number so you can progrmatily reach it for example in that image case number 3 , the deletion detected in max range 2 when 2 == 2 so i left the last index same as index of number 2, so when next loop come will be 2 == 2 and use continue

! note this algo for now worked with delete it right now also have detect the add within it's steps but i not reach it logicaly so let's say it allow us to get 2 things only what deleted and what not changed

what added included in last index steps and within algo but i not focused on it so right now use for detect only deleted and not changed.

!other note I tried this algo with small numbers and tested 4 times it worked in the 4 times and reach answer logicaly so even if not worked with other sanerio the question would be why it worked 4 times logicaly and not worked with other sanerios?

max range

in other words max range is the slice of right side


i loop of left side notes not real code but preperareion when write if will be more clear

[1,2,3], [2,3,1]

[1,2,3].forEach( (litem, i)=>{
   const maxRange = [2,3,1].slice(i-1, i);
   // note previous const always result in 1 item, next check will take all items after current litem to get the next ranges here max range will be more items
[1,2,3].slice(i+1).forEach( (nextlItem, ni)=>{
  //const maxrange = [2,3,1].slice(laststopedindex,ni+1);
   // here ni+1 is what means of max range which means you allow to check from right side until this part only