Your Library API (documentation)

Udacity Project (Advanced Track)

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  • The Your Library is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes.
  • you can use our API to Create new Books to your Library, control and organize your library by update or delete books or add new books.
  • you can search books or get full pagination list of the books in your library we created this API using Python Flask.

Getting Started:

  • Base URL: localhost://5000/books
  • By default, the Your Library Docs demonstrate using curl to interact with the API over HTTP.
  • We have no API Keys or Authentication so the API will accept your request without Authentication and you do not need to create new account to use it.
  • In this API, you will find a setting for 2 Mobile SMS API which you can use in your app and flask-mail to send mails using your gmail account.
  • in order to use the Mobile SMS you have to visit twilio or vonage to get your own API key and API pass and token in twilio.

start with test:

  • dropdb student
  • createdb student
  • psql student < books.psql
  • python

how to set up the local development

  • npm install only once to install dependency
  • npm start
  • on Windows: Download GitBash, open it, cd [project_folder] run these 3 commands
  • export FLASK_APP=flaskr
  • export FLASK_ENV=development
  • flask run
  • For Linux users, you can use the same three commands to start the API



  • Your Library API May return 4 types of errors [404, 422, 400, 405]

404 Resource Not Found:

  • JSON response will return and this error happend if resource not found for example request to update/delete book that not exist, or 0 books in the API
  • example of the response :
        'message':'resource not found',

422 Unprocessable:

  • JSON response will return and this error happens if Your API request unprocessable That's mean The API received your request but it could not handle your request
  • -- For example, if you delete a book that does not exist,
  • An example of a response:

400 Bad Request:

  • JSON response will return and this error happens if you send A bad request the API could not understand it
  • -- For example, send Not JSON body to the POST / Patch endpoints,
  • An example of a response:
        'message':'bad request',

405 Method not allowed:

  • It's an HTTP response status code that indicates that the request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource

  • -- For example, send post request to endpoint that accept only Patch or GET requests

  • JSON response will return and this error happens if used A wrong Method in your request

  • An example of a response:

        'message':'method not allowed',

Resource endpoint library:

All End Points:

Get books:

 - How To:
      - URL: http://localhost:5000/books  [GET]
                 - this will return a pagination List of group number of 8 For All Books in your Library, it accept 1 query parameter
                 which is page start from 1 to control pagination.
      - example of CURL request ```curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5000/books' ```
                 - example of response:

                   ``` json
                        "books": [
                            "author": "some one",
                            "id": 1,
                            "rating": 4,
                            "title": "Hello World"
                            "author": "some one",
                            "id": 2,
                            "rating": 0,
                            "title": "Hello World"
                            "author": "some one",
                            "id": 5,
                            "rating": 0,
                            "title": "Hello World"
                            "author": "mahmoud",
                            "id": 10,
                            "rating": 3,
                            "title": "Hi"
                            "author": "mahmoud",
                            "id": 11,
                            "rating": 3,
                            "title": "Hi"
                            "author": "mahmoud",
                            "id": 13,
                            "rating": 3,
                            "title": "Hi"
                            "author": "mahmoud",
                            "id": 14,
                            "rating": 3,
                            "title": "Hi"
                            "author": "mahmoud",
                            "id": 15,
                            "rating": 3,
                            "title": "Hi"
                        "code": "200",
                        "success": true,
                        "total_books": 75
               -- adding page paramter in your URL
               -- example : curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5000/books?page=1'
               --- success response 
                  "books": [
                      "author": "some one",
                      "id": 1,
                      "rating": 4,
                      "title": "Hello World"
                      "author": "some one",
                      "id": 2,
                      "rating": 0,
                      "title": "Hello World"
                      "author": "some one",
                      "id": 5,
                      "rating": 0,
                      "title": "Hello World"
                      "author": "mahmoud",
                      "id": 10,
                      "rating": 3,
                      "title": "Hi"
                      "author": "mahmoud",
                      "id": 11,
                      "rating": 3,
                      "title": "Hi"
                      "author": "mahmoud",
                      "id": 13,
                      "rating": 3,
                      "title": "Hi"
                      "author": "mahmoud",
                      "id": 14,
                      "rating": 3,
                      "title": "Hi"
                      "author": "mahmoud",
                      "id": 16,
                      "rating": 5,
                      "title": "Into To HTML"
                  "code": "200",
                  "success": true,
                  "total_books": 77
               - example unsuccess responses
                   if there are 0 books in your libarary it will return 404 not empty list for better handle
                       "code": 404,
                       "message": "resource not found",
                       "success": false
                       "code": 405,
                       "message": "method not allowed",
                       'success': false

Update books:

 - How To:
      - URL (http://localhost:5000/books/[book_id]) [PATCH]
                 - This Endpoint Accept only PATCH request to update an existing book rating you should include the new rating in your request body and convert to json
      - example of CURL request ```curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"rating":"4"}' ```
                 - example of Success response:
                     "book_rating": 4,
                      "code": 200,
                      "id": 15,
                      "success": true
                 - example of Falid response:

                         "code": 400,
                         "message": "bad request",
                         "success": false

Delete books:

 - How To: curl -X DELETE[book_id]
      - URL ([15]) [DELETE]
                 - The book's identifier (ID) must be included in the URL 
                 - Usage: delete an existing book
      - example of CURL request 
                curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"rating":"4"}'
                 - example of Success response:
                       "books": [
                           "author": "some one",
                           "id": 1,
                           "rating": 4,
                           "title": "Hello World"
                           "author": "some one",
                           "id": 2,
                           "rating": 0,
                           "title": "Hello World"
                           "author": "some one",
                           "id": 5,
                           "rating": 0,
                           "title": "Hello World"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 10,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 11,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 13,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 14,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 16,
                           "rating": 5,
                           "title": "Into To HTML"
                       "code": 200,
                       "deleted": 15,
                       "success": true,
                       "total_books": 74
                 - example of Falid response:

                       "code": 405,
                       "message": "method not allowed",
                       "success": false
                       "code": 422,
                       "message": "unprocessable",
                       'success': false

ADD books/ Search Book by title:

 - How To: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/books
      - URL ( [POST]
                 - This Endpoint Accept only POST request to Add New Book OR search for A book using title it accept JSON body
                 - JSON body should Include at least 1 of this to continue your Request ['search', 'title','author','rating'] else it will return 404 Error
      - example of CURL request To create new Book
           curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5000/books' -d '{"title":"Hello World", "rating":"1", "author":"Mahmoud Hegazi" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
                 - example of Success response:
                       "books": [
                           "author": "some one",
                           "id": 1,
                           "rating": 4,
                           "title": "Hello World"
                           "author": "some one",
                           "id": 2,
                           "rating": 0,
                           "title": "Hello World"
                           "author": "some one",
                           "id": 5,
                           "rating": 0,
                           "title": "Hello World"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 10,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 11,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 13,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 14,
                           "rating": 3,
                           "title": "Hi"
                           "author": "mahmoud",
                           "id": 16,
                           "rating": 5,
                           "title": "Into To HTML"
                       "code": 200,
                       "deleted": 15,
                       "success": true,
                       "total_books": 74
                 - example of Falid response:

                       "code": 405,
                       "message": "method not allowed",
                       "success": false
                       "code": 422,
                       "message": "unprocessable",
                       'success': false
            --- Search by title Adding a text search query to your request for the title of the book you want to search for is not case sensitive
            --- example of POST request to search By Title case insensitive
            curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5000/books' -d '{"search":"INTO TO HTML"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
            It might show one of two results if the API finds that a book will return a JSON response
                        "books": [
                         "author": "mahmoud",
                         "id": 16,
                         "rating": 5,
                         "title": "Into To HTML"
                     "code": 200,
                     "success": true,
                     "total_books": 1
           If the API doesn't find that the book will return a JSON response
                     "books": [],
                     "code": 200,
                     "success": true,
                     "total_books": 0

                 - example of Falid response:

                       "code": 405,
                       "message": "method not allowed",
                       "success": false
                       "code": 422,
                       "message": "unprocessable",
                       'success': false

                       "code": 404,
                       "message": "resource not found",
                       'success': false


  • in your-library API we use unit test to make sure everything is tested before the production.
  • There are 12 functions to test Our API
  • [test_normal_get, test_failed_one, test_path_request, test_404_path_request, test_400_path_request, test_delete_request , test_422_book_not_exist_request,
  • test_post_request, test_wrong_post_create_error_request, test_422_post_request, test_search_book, test_search_not_found_book]
  • in order to start the test cd [project_folder] and run python

test results will be like this:

test result

ALl Endpoints URLS

  1. http://localhost:5000/books || http://localhost:5000/books?page=[page_number] (GET only) (GET BOOKS)
  2. http://localhost:5000/books [POST] When searching abook or adding new one, body must contains one of these ['search', 'title','author','rating'] (ADD / Search BOOKS)
  3. http://localhost:5000/books/[book_id] [DELETE] Delete an existing book
  4. http://localhost:5000/books/[book_id] [PATCH] When editing a book, the requesting body must have a rating ['rating']