Project Description:
This project focuses on exploring and analyzing data from the stock market, with a particular emphasis on technology stocks like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. We will use Python and various libraries, including yfinance, Seaborn, Matplotlib, and TensorFlow, to conduct data analysis and make stock price predictions using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) models.
Key Questions to Answer:
Change in Stock Price Over Time: We'll examine how the stock prices of the selected companies have changed over time.
Daily Stock Return: We'll calculate the average daily returns for these stocks.
Moving Averages: We'll determine the moving averages for these stocks to identify trends.
Correlation Between Stocks: We'll analyze how correlated the stock prices of these technology companies are.
Risk Analysis: We'll calculate and visualize the Value at Risk (VaR) to understand the potential risk of investing in a specific stock.
Stock Price Prediction: We will predict the closing stock price of Apple Inc. using LSTM.
Data Collection:
We will use the yfinance
library to collect historical stock data for the selected technology stocks. The code for data collection can be found in the LSTM.ipynb
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 1008 entries, 2022-10-25 to 2023-10-25
Data columns (total 7 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Open 1008 non-null float64
1 High 1008 non-null float64
2 Low 1008 non-null float64
3 Close 1008 non-null float64
4 Adj Close 1008 non-null float64
5 Volume 1008 non-null int64
6 company_name 1008 non-null object
dtypes: float64(5), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 63.0+ KB
Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
count 1008.000000 1008.000000 1008.000000 1008.000000 1008.000000 1.008000e+03
mean 169.622833 171.583433 167.813837 169.747240 169.404270 4.633779e+07
std 77.353115 77.987355 76.737772 77.370338 77.060230 2.664341e+07
min 82.800003 83.480003 81.430000 81.820000 81.820000 8.567800e+06
25% 106.575001 108.236250 105.309999 106.740000 106.740000 2.453585e+07
50% 138.570000 139.739998 136.940002 138.395004 138.264999 4.274050e+07
75% 201.567505 203.774998 199.817497 200.899998 200.188801 5.999932e+07
max 361.750000 366.779999 352.440002 359.489990 358.730469 2.231334e+08
Data Analysis and Visualization:
In the LSTM.ipynb
notebook, we will visualize and analyze various aspects of the stock data, including historical trends, daily returns, moving averages, and correlation between stocks.
Risk Analysis:
To assess investment risk, we will calculate and visualize Value at Risk (VaR) in the LSTM.ipynb
Stock Price Prediction:
We will implement a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model to predict the closing stock price of Apple Inc. using historical data. The code and details of the prediction can be found in the LSTM.ipynb
- Python 3.7+
- Jupyter Notebook
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- yfinance
- TensorFlow
[Kaggle](📊Stock Market Analysis 📈 + Prediction using LSTM | Kaggle)