
Where Devs Come To Chat, Chill, and Code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DeveHome is a web application where developers come to hang out and get help on their projects

Sign in with Google to get access to the chat room and the code editor:


you can join a room or create one:


Clicking wanna code? sends you to the code mirror page in which you can type your HTML, CSS, JS code and watch it come to life immidietly.


check out the current design: https://scene.zeplin.io/project/60f94692b24ad91391e92d2e

# To run the project Locally you:
  1. Clone the repo
  2. in the project direcotory open up the terminal and type `yarn`
  3. To run the project in development mode type `yarn start`
  4. To generate a production minifide package type `yarn build`