
a simple chat app using native python

Primary LanguagePython

My Little Chat

This is a simple chat application that allows users to chat with each other in real time. It is built using python, websockets, and MongoDB.

Quick Setup (Docker-Compose) 🚀

1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose

sudo apt install docker.io
sudo apt install docker-compose

2. Run Docker-Compose

docker-compose up

Quick Setup (Manual) 🚀

1. Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Run Http Server

python http_server.py

3. Run Websocket Server

python websocket_server.py

4. Configure the values in .env file

Features 😊

  • handle all the data via nosql database (MongoDB)
  • leverage the power of docker and docker-compose
  • custom http server to handle concurrent requests
  • custom websocket server to handle concurrent requests
  • unit tests
  • serve static files
  • User Authentication
  • User Registration
  • User Login
  • User could create a room
  • User could join a room
  • realtime room chat
  • realtime typing effect
  • realtime online users

Screen Shots 📷

1. Login Page

2. Register Page

3. Create Room

4. Rooms List

5. Active Users

6. Chatting

WorkFlow 🚀

Database Schema 📚

1.Websocket Server (websocket_server.py)

This Python script implements a WebSocket chat server with user authentication, message broadcasting, and MongoDB integration.


  • asyncio: Asynchronous I/O for handling multiple WebSocket connections concurrently.
  • json: For encoding and decoding JSON data.
  • websockets: Library for WebSocket communication.
  • os: For environment variable and directory path handling.
  • dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file.
  • models.Message: Represents a chat message and is used for creating and storing messages in MongoDB.
  • mongodb_operations.MongoDBOperations: Handles MongoDB operations for user authentication and message storage.


WebSocket Server Configuration

  • HOST: WebSocket server host address.
  • PORT: WebSocket server port.
  • STATIC_DIR: Directory path for static files.

MongoDB Configuration

  • MONGO_URI: MongoDB connection URI.
  • DB_NAME: MongoDB database name.


  1. Ensure all required dependencies are installed (asyncio, json, websockets, os, dotenv, models, mongodb_operations).
  2. Create a .env file with the necessary configuration variables.
  3. Run the script (python script_name.py).

The server will start listening for WebSocket connections, handle authentication, and broadcast messages to connected users in specific rooms. The server also integrates with MongoDB to store chat messages.

Script Overview

handle_connection(websocket, path)

Handles a WebSocket connection and manages user authentication, message broadcasting, and database storage.

  • Parameters:

    • websocket: WebSocket connection object.
    • path: WebSocket connection path.
  • Raises:

    • websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: If the connection is closed by the client.

broadcast(message, connected_users=None)

Broadcasts a message to all connected users in a specific room.

  • Parameters:
    • message: Message to be broadcasted.
    • connected_users: List of connected users in a room.


Main function to run the WebSocket server.

This function creates and serves the WebSocket server, handling incoming connections.

  • Usage:
    • asyncio.run(main())


python script_name.py

2. MongoDB Operations (mongodb_operations.py)

1. Password Hashing

  • Uses the hashlib library to hash passwords using SHA-256 with a predefined salt.

2. MongoDB Operations Class (MongoDBOperations)

  • Manages interactions with a MongoDB database.
  • Provides methods for creating, authenticating, and retrieving users, rooms, and messages.
  • Handles basic error logging for user creation.

3. Run Function

  • Demonstrates the usage of the MongoDBOperations class.
  • Creates a user, authenticates the user, creates a room, and creates a message.
  • Retrieves user, room, and message information from the database.

4. Database Initialization

  • Instantiates the MongoDBOperations class with MongoDB URI and database name.

5. Run the Application

  • Calls the run function to showcase the functionality.

Note: Ensure a local MongoDB server is running. The code contains basic error handling for user creation and prints error messages to the console.