
A fully integrated Web app helps you understand the concepts of Z-transform

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

an interactive web app designed to help understanding the concepts of Z-transform and its application.

this project was built by python Flask as the main backend language alongside with JavaScript , HTML and CSS as frontend languages

Key features:

  1. Add multiple Zeroes&Poles
  2. Import&Export filters
  3. Real time Signal Generation
  4. Import Signal
  5. Phase Correction using All pass filters

Project Description:

1. Add multiple Zeroes&Poles:

Construct your own filter with multiple Zeroes&Poles showing the magnitude&Phase response of the filter and dynamically apply the constructed filter to either an imported signal or real time generated signal ability to delete any given pole or zero or even adjust its location Preview Gif

2. Import&Export Filters:

Export any filter in CSV format and apply concepts of Z-transform. Preview Gif

also you can Export the any filter you constuct in the app. Preview Gif

3. Real time signal generation:

generate real time signal with your mouse where filters are dynamically applied to the generated signal

Low pass filter

Preview Gif

High pass filter

Preview Gif

4. import signal:

import any signal in CSV format and dynamically apply the filters to it Preview Gif

5. Phase Correction using All pass filters:

apply different all pass filters to either the generated signal or the imported signal and correct the signals' phases you are also given a catalog showing many possible all pass filters to help you choose you can add&delete multiple all pass filters Preview Gif

Task Submitted by 3rd year SBME2024 students 💉:

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