Pinned Repositories
Film production studios are continuously producing new films at an increasing rate. Online streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime have also started producing their own movies. This huge increase in movie titles has given the consumer a wide variety of choices.
It's 2022, you are full of good purposes for this new year. In particular, you want to start a YouTube channel and ideally earn some money via ads. However, there are so many channels and videos out there that you have no idea where to even start. Fortunately, another good purpose for this year is to become a Data Scientist, and you want to merge your interest to become the best at both.
Encryption and Dycrption of local files using Fernet AES 128 Algorithm
The release repo for "Vicuna: An Open Chatbot Impressing GPT-4"
Predict Energy consumption based on the Kaggle dataset. Perform Data Analysis on the dataset and preprocessing.
We developed deep learning neural network and live data scraper for the stock market.
Scrabes Stock market data from populer platform like Yahoo. It scrabes the S&P 500 stock data, perform ML models to predict the next 5 days to a certain stock.
Violence Detection AI platform. works on two different pipelines, It takes in Full or Multiple videos and detects violence in them.
Mahmoudx99's Repositories
Film production studios are continuously producing new films at an increasing rate. Online streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime have also started producing their own movies. This huge increase in movie titles has given the consumer a wide variety of choices.
It's 2022, you are full of good purposes for this new year. In particular, you want to start a YouTube channel and ideally earn some money via ads. However, there are so many channels and videos out there that you have no idea where to even start. Fortunately, another good purpose for this year is to become a Data Scientist, and you want to merge your interest to become the best at both.
Encryption and Dycrption of local files using Fernet AES 128 Algorithm
The release repo for "Vicuna: An Open Chatbot Impressing GPT-4"
Predict Energy consumption based on the Kaggle dataset. Perform Data Analysis on the dataset and preprocessing.
We developed deep learning neural network and live data scraper for the stock market.
Scrabes Stock market data from populer platform like Yahoo. It scrabes the S&P 500 stock data, perform ML models to predict the next 5 days to a certain stock.
Violence Detection AI platform. works on two different pipelines, It takes in Full or Multiple videos and detects violence in them.
using the desired search keyword, you can enter the search keyword and things like job title, job duration, job description and company etc.