
Networking Lab project

Primary LanguagePython


Project Image

Welcome to ShareNet, a flexible Python application designed to facilitate secure and efficient file sharing over networks using the power of TCP/IP connections. ShareNet addresses the growing need for robust file sharing solutions in today’s connected world, enabling users to work in shared workspaces, share multimedia content, and move large documents seamlessly.

Project Overview

ShareNet is crafted to enhance students' understanding of computer networking concepts by providing a practical, hands-on tool. This application offers an interactive way to explore and utilize the principles of TCP and IP, fostering a deeper comprehension through active engagement.


  • Sharing Audio and Video: The project lets people share their audio and video with other devices that are linked.
  • File Transfer: The project lets people share and receive files between devices that are linked together.
  • GUI Interface: The Tkinter package is used to make a graphical user interface (GUI) for the project so that it is easy for people to use
  • Error Handling: The project has simple error handling for working with files and socket links.


git clone https://github.com/yourusername/sharenet.git


python main.py


We extend our gratitude to all contributors and users who have supported the development of ShareNet. Your feedback and contributions are invaluable.


Mahmud Araf
Zisan Mahmud

"Talk is cheap. Show me the code."
– Linus Torvalds


🌟 Keep Coding! 🌟