
To create a new story: Click "Start Writing" and start writing. Use the TinyMCE text editor to add styling and utilize premium features such as power paste and more.

To create a newsletter: Select a date and click "Create New" and it will auto-generate a newsletter with all the stories that were published on the specified date. To update the newsletter on LyraAPI after posting a new story, just click "Update".


  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL



Postgres Database is required for HalalTables to operate correctly.

Setting up

Please run the following commands

bundle install
bundle exec rails dbcreate
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rails db:seed

Running the app

Please run the following command to start rails server:

rails s

Core Functionality:

  • Perform all CRUD actions for stories and newsletter with app.

  • View an index of all stories and newsletter issues.

  • Able to preview an individual story using the given template.

  • Stories are nested within a newsletter issue, grouped by date.

  • Build and preview newsletter issues based on their dates published.

  • Publish stories and newsletter issues to the Lyra API

  • Lyra API is synced for any action that might take place in application. For example, if you DELETE a story in your application, it will also be deleted in Lyra.

  • Minimalist UI/UX & Optimized to fit all screen sizes.

  • Roadie inline styling.


stories/ "index"

stories/:id "show"

Custom Validations for form submission & stories/new "new"

newsletters/:id "index"

  • Select a date and click "Create New" and it will auto-generate a newsletter with all the stories that were published on the specified date. To update the newsletter on LyraAPI after posting a new story, just click "Update".

Syncs with LyraAPI, with inline styling.

Future Endeavors

  • CSS Styling
  • Integrate React as View Layer