To create a new story: Click "Start Writing" and start writing. Use the TinyMCE text editor to add styling and utilize premium features such as power paste and more.
To create a newsletter: Select a date and click "Create New" and it will auto-generate a newsletter with all the stories that were published on the specified date. To update the newsletter on LyraAPI after posting a new story, just click "Update".
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
Postgres Database is required for HalalTables to operate correctly.
Please run the following commands
bundle install
bundle exec rails dbcreate
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rails db:seed
Please run the following command to start rails server:
rails s
Perform all CRUD actions for stories and newsletter with app.
View an index of all stories and newsletter issues.
Able to preview an individual story using the given template.
Stories are nested within a newsletter issue, grouped by date.
Build and preview newsletter issues based on their dates published.
Publish stories and newsletter issues to the Lyra API
Lyra API is synced for any action that might take place in application. For example, if you DELETE a story in your application, it will also be deleted in Lyra.
Minimalist UI/UX & Optimized to fit all screen sizes.
Roadie inline styling.
stories/ "index"
stories/:id "show"
Custom Validations for form submission & stories/new "new"
newsletters/:id "index"
- Select a date and click "Create New" and it will auto-generate a newsletter with all the stories that were published on the specified date. To update the newsletter on LyraAPI after posting a new story, just click "Update".
Syncs with LyraAPI, with inline styling.
- CSS Styling
- Integrate React as View Layer