VortiBd Application

Online Admission System For All Univeristy In Bangladesh

Live Demo

[Live Demo](http://vortibd5809.pythonanywhere.com)


open requirements.txt file to see requirements & Create Virtual Env

pip install -U setuptools

pip install -r requirements.txt


open terminal and type
git clone https://github.com/MahmudulHassan5809/OnlineAdmission-Python-Django.git

To migrate the database open terminal in project directory and type

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Static files collection

open terminal and type
python manage.py collectstatic

Creating Superuser

To create superuser open terminal and type
python manage.py createsuperuser

To run the program in local server use the following command

python manage.py runserver

Then go to in your browser


Mahmudul Hassan
Email: mahmudul.hassan240@gmail.com

========Thank You !!!=========