
Terraform template to provision an IoT Hub and an virtual IoT Edge device with a GPU. Iot Edge VM deployment is based on the ARM varient found at and

Directory Info
terraform Contains root terraform skrip and terraform modules to create resources
scripts Contains shell script to register VM as an edge device.
.ssh (generated) Generated dircetory when creating ressources. Contains the private key to access the VM over ssh

Run sample

Change to the directory terraform and run terraform init to initialize terraform and terraform apply to create all the resources.

This should result in an terraform output containing the following values.


edge_device_name = "<prefix>-edge-device"
iot_edge_device_connction_string = "<connection-string>"
iot_edge_vm_public_ssh = "ssh -i ../../.ssh/id_rsa <vm-username>@<prefix>"
iot_hub_name = "<prefix>-iot-hub"

The ssh private key key should also be stored under the generated .ssh directory in root.