
Wemos D1 mini with Espressif's chip ESP8266, Bosch Sensortec BME280, Arduino, Platformio

Primary LanguageC++

IoT Weather Station



  • IDE of your choice (Recommendation is VSCode with Platformio) ## Dependencies
  • Library for the temperature sensor by Adafruit(there are alternatives available though)
  • Library for Pub-Sub over MQTT
  • Library for the Air Quality sensor MQ135

Getting Started

  • clone the code
foo@bar:~$ git clone git@github.com:MaiLinhGroup/iot-weather-station.git
  • open src/main.h and replace the default values for WiFi with own WiFi credentials
  • depending on which IDE (please check out the respective documentation), resolve the aforementioned dependencies, compile and flash the code to the board
  • open a serial monitor, if needed set baud_rate: 115200 , and press the reset button on the MCU to reboot the MCU
  • after reboot the MCU will display its IP address in the serial monitor, enter/open this address in any browser to see weather station information
