
Team Memebers :

  • Mai R. Ubeid
  • Imad Shatali
  • Fadi Omar
  • Mohammed Qarmout

What our app provide ?

Our website enable users such as teams to add their tasks and keep touch with each others, by adding, updating, deleting and make their tasks complete. The user has the ability to sign up, login and logout.

Why did we built our app ?

The authentication in the website is required so that there are protected routers so that the user can not enter the home page before login. Cookies are used to save the user name in the page and render it in all pages. Database is built to have many lists, each list will have many items that is added by user,using handlebars and postgres to display and control this data.

How our progress was during the building of our app ??

  • Have node server and a database using express
  • Project Structure.
  • Setup Travis in our project.
  • Host database on Heroku.
  • Make tests for server routes and database.
  • Create Express server.
  • Create SQL schema.
  • Connect and build the database.
  • Code the queries for the database.
  • Handle files by handlebars.
  • Handle login and signup page.
  • Hash the password.
  • Hash the data in token using jwt.
  • Set Cookies in our website.
  • Have protected routes.
  • Handle validation error.
  • Handle routers error.
  • Handle error from client and server.
  • Render data in hbs file then send file
  • Code Refactor.
  • Make style.
  • Fix accessibility and responsive.
  • Display data to the user.

User Journey :

  • The visitor see login page if he has an account can login using username and password.
  • If the visitor has not an account he will sign up using (email, username, password and confirm password).
  • When user enter the home page he has the ability to add list, add item and make the items done.
  • The user add the list.
  • The user can add the item with details (title, content and user name) in specific list
  • The user can view all lists with its items and tasks.
  • The user can mark item as done.