
Autocomplete website - Discover Countries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discover Countries :

A website that enables users to quickly find and select words from a list of suggestions with FrontEnd and BackEnd using json file to read data


  • Mai Ubaied
  • Yosef ElNajaar
  • Asem Abu Msameh
  • Asmaa Thabet

Our Idea :

A website that enables users to quickly find and select words from a list of suggestions


we make this website to deal with json file to display the data in the web page , we make the server work.


Our website is a single page that help our clients in displaying List of cities for each country that can be searched.


We divided our project in to Stages:

  • Searching for suitables json file :
    we started our work by searching for the suitable json file that enable us to take the data and to allow us display the data.

  • Design :

    We design our project on papers to make a general perception for the website.

  • Project Strcture :
    We started to build our project files Structure by seprate similar files in folders in order to make the project more Organized.

  • Divided Tasks :
    We divided the work in tasks and started to work as pairs, Every Pair Started to work in API.

  • making tests :
    we made tests for our request to check that they were work well .

  • Fetching Data From JSON file :
    We work in Fetching data from JSON file by making XHR Requests and makeing connections between our project and the servers .

  • Displaying Data In Page :
    We show our fetched data by using dom js .

  • Refactor code :
    we made refactor for our code to raise our code performance .

  • Design Website :
    We make the design for our page to obtain the required shape from our idea and be sure that it works in mobile status as required.

  • Responsive and Accessbility :
    We chekout the Responsive case for our design and also check accessbility for the app to work in the better case.

  • checking and Fixing issues :
    Solve The issues that appears and take suggestions in mind and try to add it all to have a great website .

User Journey :

  • The User open our Website and see Landing page firstly that display the aim of our page .
  • The user type the name of country that needed.
  • When the user typing the country, all the countries start with these characters will be shown.
  • After typing user can choose which counrty he/she want to display.
  • The user click on the counrty name to show all the cities in it.