
This Repository contains a dockerized RTSP-Streamer / Server for streaming the Kinects RGB- and Depth-Stream to network by merging them into one Video.

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Azure Kinect RTSP-Streamer / RTSP-Server

This Repository contains a dockerized RTSP-Streamer / Server for streaming the Kinects RGB- and Depth-Stream to network by merging them into one Video. Our goal with this is to be independent from the actual (Kinect + Computational) Hardware and easily use the RTSP-Stream on all kinds of clients in the local network, e.g. Microsoft Hololens.

The docker-container mainly contains a GStreamer-Pipeline for creating and merging the Video-Stream. The Pipeline is based on the Aivero RGBD Toolkit which provides plugins for using the kinect as video-source and demuxing the color + depth streams.




  • clone the repository
  • git-lfs install< (repository uses large file storage for archives and videos)

  • git-lfs pull< (to make sure all dependencies are pulled and not just the lfs-pointers)

Execute the "startup.sh" if you want to use x11-server for seeing the docker-containers UI on the host system (Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 tested -> x11-server needed on host). Otherwise docker-compose up --build is sufficient, as DISPLAY and HOSTNAME are not needed.

Usage examples can also be found in docker/x11-entry.sh and docker/rtsp-server/rtsp-entry.sh (entrypoints of the container).

The is a good chance that the streamer won't work from scratch, e.g. because kinect doesn't like your pc. For debugging you can use the alternative Dockerfile_dev which contains e.g. the kinect sdk (k4aviewer) and some more steps.

Sample GStreamer-Pipelines

Most of the samples use the "rtsp-simple-server" in another container, which is currently uncommented in the docker-compose. The current solution is streaming directly from one container instead, which should me marginally faster.

Simple kinect color + depth pipeline:

gst-launch-1.0 k4asrc enable_color=true
! queue ! rgbddemux name=demux demux.src_depth
! colorizer near-cut=300 far-cut=5000
! queue ! videoconvert ! queue
! autovideosink demux.src_color ! queue
! videoconvert ! autovideosink

Receive RTSP-Stream on host (name = kinect):

gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc latency=0 location=rtsp://localhost:8554/kinect ! rtph264depay ! decodebin ! autovideosink -> replace >localhost< with network adress if using from another device on the same network

Test rtsp sender with test source (uses rtsp-simple-server from docker-compose)

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! x264enc ! rtspclientsink location=rtsp://rtsp-simple-server:8554/kinect

Color only RTSP sender

gst-launch-1.0 k4asrc enable_color=true
! queue ! rgbddemux name=demux demux.src_color ! queue
! videoconvert ! x264enc
! rtspclientsink location=rtsp://rtsp-simple-server:8554/color

Depth only RTSP sender

gst-launch-1.0 k4asrc enable_color=true
! queue ! rgbddemux name=demux demux.src_depth
! colorizer near-cut=300 far-cut=5000 ! queue
! videoconvert ! x264enc
! rtspclientsink location=rtsp://rtsp-simple-server:8554/color

Custom colorizer

The dockerfile contains a line that replaces the "default" colorizer with a custom prototype. The custom colorizer transforms the colors to hsv-colors instead of using a lookup-table (as the default one does). This makes it easier to transform colors back to depth on the receiver site.

Be aware that "near-cut" and "far-cut" work differently for this colorizer. near-cut: Where it starts; Internally multiplied with 256 far-gut: How deep it goes, starting from near-cut; Internally multiplied with 256 Example: near-cut = 2, far-cut = 3 -> Depth image ranges from 2256 to ( 2256 + 3*256 )

Mix to one video and stream to "rtsp-simple-server";

k4asrc enable_color=true rectify-depth=true timestamp_mode=clock_all real-time-playback=true color-format=nv12 color-resolution=720p \ depth-mode=nfov_unbinned framerate=15fps
! queue ! rgbddemux name=demux demux.src_color ! queue !
videoconvert !
videobox top=0 bottom=0 right=-700 !
videomixer name=mix sink_0::xpos=0 sink_1::xpos=1300 !
videoconvert ! x264enc ! \
rtspclientsink location=rtsp://rtsp-simple-server:8554/color demux.src_depth !
colorizer near-cut=300 far-cut=5000 !
videobox border-alpha=1 !
queue ! videoconvert ! mix.

Send RTS (not RTSP):

gst-launch-1.0 -v k4asrc enable_color=true ! queue ! rgbddemux name=demux demux.src_depth ! colorizer near-cut=300 far-cut=5000 ! queue ! videoconvert ! avenc_mpeg4 ! rtpmp4vpay config-interval=3 ! udpsink host= port=5100

Receive RTS:

gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=5100 caps = "application/x-rtp,\ media=(string)video,\ clock-rate=(int)90000,\ encoding-name=(string)MP4V-ES,\ profile-level-id=(string)1,\ config=(string)000001b001000001b58913000001000000012000c48d8800cd3204709443000001b24c61766335362e312e30,\ payload=(int)96,\ ssrc=(uint)2873740600,\ timestamp-offset=(uint)391825150,\ seqnum-offset=(uint)2980" ! rtpmp4vdepay ! avdec_mpeg4 ! autovideosink

Write to file color + depth:

gst-launch-1.0 k4asrc enable_color=true ! queue ! rgbddemux name=demux demux.src_depth
! colorizer near-cut=300 far-cut=5000 ! queue ! videoconvert ! queue
! x264enc ! avimux ! filesink location=./depth.mp4
demux.src_color ! queue ! videoconvert ! queue ! x264enc ! avimux ! filesink location=./color.mp4