Design Principles

This is a Rails app which essentially serves static content for various parts of GOV.UK where we haven't yet got around to building specialist publishing tools.

This includes Design Principles for the Government Digital Service, the Content style guide for the Government Digital Service, the Government Service Design Manual and Digital Transformation section of GOV.UK.

For the latter 2, the actual content is in separate git repositories, and this application is used as vehicle within which to deploy that content.

Assumes the GDS development environment is setup via puppet.

Run Design Principles


Content Style guide

The style guide for GOV.UK.

What's New section for the Style guide

This section is generated from a YAML file, to provide an Atom feed and HTML representation.

Digital by Default Service Manual

How Search Works

This app provides a search interface for the Digital by Default Service Manual. That search is exposed at /service-manual/search.

Indexing content

  • Content for search should be placed in JSON files in db/index eg. db/index/service-manual.json (this is done during the compilation step that adds the manual content to this repository)
  • The rake task rake rummager:index will post these to the rummager service for inclusion in an index called 'service-manual'
  • That task is run upon deployment