R2 "Book"
Welcome to the Radare2 Book
Webpage: https://www.gitbook.com/book/radare/radare2book/details
PDF: https://www.gitbook.com/download/pdf/book/radare/radare2book
Epub: https://www.gitbook.com/download/epub/book/radare/radare2book
Mobi: https://www.gitbook.com/download/mobi/book/radare/radare2book
Authors & Contributors
The radare2 book
Rework by maijin on the original radare book
- Anton Kochkov
- aoighost
- Austin Hartzheim
- David Tomaschik
- DZ_ruyk
- Grigory Rechistov
- hdznrrd
- Jeffrey Crowell
- John
- Judge Dredd
- jvoisin
- Kevin Grandemange
- muzlightbeer
- Peter C
- sghctoma
- SkUaTeR
- Thanat0s
The original radare book
Original author and greetings from The radare book : pancake
- God. aka Flying Spaguetti Monster
- Nibble (ELF32/64 and PE parser+lot of bugfixes and core work)
- ora8 (w32 port debugger, syscallproxying, hw breakpoints..)
- nopcode guys (for the cons and
- Sexy Pandas (let's pwn the plugs!)
- 48bits (keep up the good work)
- Gerardo (ideas and tips for the book)
- pof (for the crackme tutorial and usability tips)
- Esteve (search engine+some code graph stuff)
- revenge (OSX debugger+mach0 work)
- Lia (4teh luf :)