V-Core 3.1 500

This contains the config files for RatRig V-Core 3.1, specifically the 500mm version. Contains config/macros for filaments/tuning

RRF Version: 3.4


Hotend: Slice Engineering Mosquito Magnum Extruder: Bondtech LGX Board: Duet3D 6HC Toolboard: Duet Toolboard 1LC V1.2 Layer fan: Sanyo 4028 Screen: Duet paneldue 7i Z probe: Antlabs BLTouch V1.3


Under this section you can find what file is used for what exactly


File Purpose
bed.g Being ran when using true bed leveling (G32)
config.g All general configuration settings are done here. File is ran every time the printer gets booted
config-override.g This file contains values that override the default settings from the config.g file. Values in here are being set from macros
cancel.g The file is being ran when a print is cancelled
deployprobe.g Used for deploying BLTouch probe
end.g The file is being ran when a print ended. I run cancel.g from here since I think they are the same in the end
filament-change.g used when M600 is executed. This allows me to change filaments mid print or pause it mid print to insert magnets in the print for instance
homeall.g Used for homing X Y Z
homex.g Used for homing X only
homey.g Used for homing Y only
homez.g Used for homing Z only
retractprobe.g Used for retracting BLTouch probe
setspeeds.g Used to set the speed limits of the machine from one spot, this is refered to from other files
start.g Used when the print is started, I use this in combination with the slicers custom start g-code
stop.g Used when the print is stopped, This calls cancel.g



File Purpose
load This command is used to load filaments it takes 2 parameters F the text to display during loading and T for the temperature that should be used for loading
unload This command is used to unload filaments it takes 2 parameters F the text to display during loading and T for the temperature that should be used for unloading


File Purpose
primeNozzle Used to prime the nozzle. This is called from the slicer custom start gcode
setCompensation Set bed heightmap if none has been set, called from the slicer custom start gcode. Can be usefull if G29 fails for whatever reason but a heightmap was previously set
setHomeIfNeeded Check if machine is homed if not make sure to home all axis. Refered to from other scripts


This directory contains tunes that can be played from the Duet 6HC, use them whenever and wherever you would like


File Purpose
AccelYMax This is an experimental file to try and find the max acceleration for Y, can be ran as is
captureAccelerometerData Grab details from the accelerometer for input shaping. Details are visible under Settings -> Machine-Specific -> Accelerometer, can be ran as is
PID Tune Bed 100 Run PID tuning with 100 degrees for the bed. Result is stored in config-override.g
PID Tune HotEnd 240 Run PID tuning with 240 degrees for the hotend. Result is stored in config-override.g
PID Tune HotEnd 290 Run PID tuning with 290 degrees for the hotend. Result is stored in config-override.g
Auto_Z_offset Use for calibrating the BLTouch. By running this you can set the Z offset by using the interface


This contains settings for specific filaments. Currently each filament has 4 specific things that are being set for it. These values are being set for the filament that is loaded when M703 is called

  1. The allowed extrusion/retraction temperature
  2. The extrusion/retracting length and speeds
  3. Babystepping offset
  4. Pressure advance


This directory contains gcode that must be entered in the start of print and end of print gcode sections of the slicer. I'm using SuperSlicer where you can find these sections under Printer Settings -> Custom G-Code

File Purpose
Start G-Code This code is used in the Start G-Code section
End G-Code This code is used in the End G-Code section