
flutter_appauth_platform_interface web implementation

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Can someone please help me with guidance to use flutter_appauth_platform_interface to support web app. I am already using flutter_appauth on Mobile and it is working.

When I try to use flutter_appauth_platform_interface and run on web, it throws

Error in signInWithAutoCodeExchange: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method authorizeAndExchangeCode on channel

I am using GetIt package and initialise locator.registerLazySingleton(() => FlutterAppAuthPlatform.instance); in my locator file.


late FlutterAppAuthPlatform _appAuth;

Future<bool> signInWithAutoCodeExchange(String selectedUserProfile) async {
    const serviceConfiguration = AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(
      authorizationEndpoint: ApiUrlConstants.authorizationEndPoint,
      tokenEndpoint: ApiUrlConstants.tokenEndPoint,
      endSessionEndpoint: ApiUrlConstants.endSessionEndPoint,

    final authorizationRequest = AuthorizationTokenRequest(
      issuer: ApiUrlConstants.issuer,
      serviceConfiguration: serviceConfiguration,
      scopes: ApiUrlConstants.scopes,
      preferEphemeralSession: true,
      promptValues: ['login'],
    bool isCodeExchangeSuccess = false;

    try {
      final result = await _appAuth
          .onError((error, stackTrace) {
        debugPrint("Error in signInWithAutoCodeExchange: $error $stackTrace");
        return null;
      if (_isAuthResultValid(result)) {
        await _processAuthTokenResponse(result, selectedUserProfile);
        isCodeExchangeSuccess = true;
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint("Error $e");
    return isCodeExchangeSuccess;

This works on mobile both Android and iOS. Please help and support is highly appreciated.