- 0
iOS-FaceID Popup prevents In-App browser from opening
#584 opened by g-feil - 14
Android login redirect issue
#503 opened by georgekal2798 - 0
Silent re-new token
#583 opened by mehdii08 - 9
sample keycloak integration
#506 opened by kstan79 - 1
[FR] Provide a way to close the browser
#557 opened by luis901101 - 1
Not getting Authorization code intact when using 'FlutterAppAuth.authorize()' instead of `FlutterAppAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode`
#571 opened by zzaman88 - 3
How to disable code_challenge
#558 opened by ghtea - 0
Invalid accessToken
#575 opened by mvosantos - 0
Some user cant login with google, redirect issue
#574 opened by alibaltschun - 1
Even if you directly edit AndroidManifest.xml, the intent-filter is registered duplicately due to the influence of build.gradle
#573 opened by GalleyLa - 1
appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode() throws FlutterAppAuthUserCancelledException [Android]
#572 opened by Hesamedin - 2
- 22
Cant login on iOS 18, XCode 16 Beta 3
#534 opened by MSL-BIT - 9
iOS: OIDExternalUserAgent.h file not found
#568 opened by jbnixdorf - 0
Browser doesn't ask for credentials the 2nd time
#562 opened by 808thlife - 1
[IOS] Would it be possible to support non-embedded browser (so use the default system browser)
#565 opened by MathiasCochet - 1
[iOS] Authorize doesn't return at all when utilizing https redirecUrl & Universal link
#566 opened by jannuskool - 1
Browser does not redirect back to app after logout (postLogoutRedirectUrl does not work)
#564 opened by maysgar - 3
- 2
Use of InsecureConnectionBuilder without checking for allowInsecureConnections
#554 opened by hschaeufler - 1
Support for BrowserMatcher on Android
#537 opened by ddfreiling - 2
Raised Exception is not handled on iOS
#552 opened by john-slow - 7
- 1
Version Conflict with AppAuth Dependency When Using flutter_appauth and google_sign_in_ios
#549 opened by AristideVB - 8
- 3
Is it correct to use this library like this?
#542 opened by sunghoonbreeding - 1
Should return `OIDExternalUserAgentIOSSafariViewController` instead of `OIDExternalUserAgentIOSNoSSO`
#547 opened by john-slow - 2
Android issue login flutter 3.24
#541 opened by the-best-is-best - 1
The authorization is not working on Android API 34
#543 opened by Tsiuryn - 1
sign in doesn't give me the option to select another account (even with preferEphemeralSession=true)
#500 opened by dprophete - 1
- 1
Getting duplicate suggestion in the popup after login in android.
#533 opened by nahiduzzaman-at-selise - 1
- 1
- 0
PlatformException(authorize_and_exchange_code_failed, Failed to authorize: [error: null, description: Unable to parse ID Token]
#536 opened by gg-circlesarrows - 12
Problem with auth from a deep (app) link.
#511 opened by GenixPL - 1
How do I prevent a user from closing the Chrome Custom Tab browser window?
#507 opened by MeltdownInteractive - 5
Android Redirection on HTTPS callback scheme
#505 opened by BraydenCh - 2
Use custom scheme for AuthorizationEndpoint
#512 opened by mwilzin - 2
- 1
- 5
App crashes on Android with Flutter v3.24.0
#515 opened by zigapovhe - 6
- 1
Native Client returns and empty file
#498 opened by christianmadhan - 1
trigger tokens revocation
#494 opened by abdallah-odeh - 1
Language support
#499 opened by PandukaBWedisinghe - 1
PlatformException(authorize_and_exchange_code_failed, Failed to authorize: [error: null, description: Invalid ID Token], ID Token expired, null) on authorize_and_exchange
#510 opened by Wwwolfgang - 2
- 4
Invalid redirect_uri in keycloak
#504 opened by idc77 - 0