
Stompify your express app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CuteyP ( Queue <-> Http )

Simple mechanism for converting Express Http to a queue and back.

Build Status


Currently multibyte only works reliably with Express 3 and formidable. Streaming only works from server->client


npm install cuteyp

Example Usage

Common dependencies

var express = require('express');
var cuteyp = require('cuteyp');

Example front end (FE) server (Http -> Queue)

var app = express();

var queue = cuteyp.redis(redisConfig); //OR = cuteyp.stomp(stompitConfig);

cuteyp.fromHttp(app, queue, {
    replyTo: 'queue.reply',
    ttl: 30000, // depends on implementation
    mappingFn: function(req) { // 
        var service = req.path.split('/')[1];
        return 'queue.request.' + service;

redisConfig can include host, port and any other options supported by node redis client.

mappingFn can be asynchronous with callback as a second parameter. Callback should be called with err and destination.

Example backend service (BE) (Queue -> Http)

var app = express(); app.get('/foo/bar', function() { ...});

var queue = cuteyp.redis(redisConfig); //OR = cuteyp.stomp(stompitConfig); cuteyp.toHttp(app, queue, 'queue.request.foo' );


Http requests to FE are converted into messages and placed on the queue. The BE service subscribes to the queue on a particular channel/queue and when it receives a message it converts it into an Http request and passes it to express to 'handle'. When express writes the response, cuteyp captures the response, packages it up in a message and returns it to the queue via the replyTo address. Back on the FE, cuteyp is subscribing to the replyTo queue and will convert the reply message to a response to write back to the client.

Binary Support

Images are converted to Base64

Queue Support

Redis and Stomp are supported and there is a simple interface to implement your own queue