
Jest TAP reporter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


jest-tap-reporter on NPM Travis CI License Greenkeeper badge

TAP reporter for Jest.



yarn add --dev jest-tap-reporter


npm install --dev jest-tap-reporter


Add to your Jest configuration

In package.json file:

  "jest": {
    "reporters": [


You can add an optional configuration object:

  "jest": {
    "reporters": [
      ["jest-tap-reporter", {
        "logLevel": "ERROR",
        "showInternalStackTraces": true,
        "filePath": "filename.tap"


  • logLevel - specifies the log level. By default jest-tap-reporter uses INFO log level, which will log the suite path and a summary at the end of a test run. If you want to reduce the reporting to bare minimum you can set the logLevel parameter to ERROR. available log levels are: ERROR, WARN, INFO.
  • filePath - specifies a file to write the results. If not supplied it will use process.stdout.
  • showHeader - whether to show starting message on startup, defaults to true.
  • showInternalStackTraces - shows stack traces from "internal" folders, like /node_modules and /internal, defaults to false.
  • showProgress - whether to not show intermediate test result summary while testing is in progress. In general, defaults to true. When writing to file or in CI environment, it is forced to be false.

Example: writing to file

You can write test results to a file with the following config:

  "jest": {
    "reporters": [
      ["jest-tap-reporter", {
        "logLevel": "ERROR",
        "filePath": "test.tap"
