
  1. Create a directory FileContent in /home/[username]

  2. Cd to FileContent

  3. Create two file1 & file2 files using cat command as:

  • Cat > file1

Start of file 1 This is first line of test file 1 This is second line of test file 1 End of file 1

- Cat > file2

Start of file 2 This is first line of test file 2 This is second line of test file 2 End of file 2

  1. Create a directory named as dirA

  2. Write a command to find regular Expression “first line of test” in both files

  3. What is output of using following options with above command :

  • –c
  • –i
  • –v
  • –n
  1. Combine grep with pipe using | operator to search for all files with regular expression “First line of test”

  2. Use sort and uniq command to sort file1 and file2 and store result in file3

  3. Create a backup for file3 using tar command

  4. What is output of using following options with above command :

  • –c
  • –v
  • –f
  • –t
  • –x
  1. Write a command to compress file2 using compress and file1 using gzip command

  2. Write a command to de compress file2 and file1