
This project is for making RTOS called Navilos that introduced at "Embedded OS development project" book.

Primary LanguageC

This project is for making RTOS called Navilos that introduced at "Embedded OS development project" book.

Before compiling this project, Dependency package must be installed.

Dependency pages list

  1. gcc-arm-none-eabi
  2. qemu-system-arm //emulator to run arm mcu
  3. gdb-multiarch //for debuging

We use machine called "realview-pd-a8". You can check this machine in qemu machines list. Command of listing machine is "qemu-system-arm -M ?"

change of content of book

3.3 excute at QEMU "gdb-arm-one-eabi" package has been removed in apt. Replace to "gdb-multiarch" package instead of "gdb-arm-none-eabi" package.