
A cool little side project :D.

Primary LanguagePython



This project allows the control of PC's in a local network through any platform/app that allows sending messages to a phone. provided that there exists a spare android phone connected to the same local network and the PC's are running the provided http server script.


  • A spare android phone that is always connected to the same network that will always be left on and in the same place.
  • Basic knowledge in macrodroid.
  • Spare phone : macrodroid ,macrodroid helper and ntfy installed.
  • Main phone : HTTP Shortcuts installed.
  • PC : static local ip, WOL enabled, python and notify-py installed.


Spare phone:

  • Subscribe to a ntfy topic with a unique/hard to guess topic name and enable instant delivery.
  • Make sure battery optimaization is turned off for macrodroid and macrodroid helper.
  • Import Remote_Control to macrodroid.
  • Configure the first if condition to match notification name (can be removed if you don't want it).
  • In local variables add your broadcast ip and PC mac address in format(AABBAABBAABB) no delimiters between values ie(no dashes, colons or dots).
  • Open the imported macro ,edit each http action with the static local ip of the target pc and with the propper json body.

Main phone:

  • Open HTTP Shortcuts app:

    • Add all the desired actions that will be triggered using http link thats provided from ntfy and Post as a method.
    • Request body set to text with the command as its value.
    • Tone Trigger & Execution settings to your liking.
  • (Optional) Install ntfy, subscribe to a topic and make macrodroid send a confirmation message that it did activate.

Pc (Windows):

  • Open run(Win+R), type shell:startup, add control.pyw or a shortcut of it in startup folder.

  • Make sure to allow python through your firewall.

    • if you get An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions error.
    • Open cmd as admin and run:
    net stop hns
    net start hns

Supported actions:

  • WOL : (/wake {target name})
    • json payload : *
  • Shutdown : (/kill {target name})
    • json payload : { "command":"/kill" }
  • Hibernate : (/sleep {target name})
    • json payload : { "command":"/sleep" }
  • target name is user generated and isn't correlated anything, Just used to differentiate them.