
This is a project create an application that receives a three-letter code for a North American Country and returns a list of all countries a driver must travel through to go from the United State of America to the destination

Primary LanguageC#


This is a project create an application that receives a three-letter code for a North American Country and returns a list of all countries a driver must travel through to go from the United State of America to the destination The following assumptions were made when creating the app, using the following image:


the countries with their three letter codes are:


  • The order in which the countries are saved to the database is the same order as they appear on the map from top to bottom
  • The geography of the countries, i.e the map data is not subject to change, hence no need for any CRUD operations on the data
  • Each country can have ONLY ONE top neighbour(neighbour to the north) through which one can travel to or from that country
  • A country can be a top neighbour to MORE THAN ONE other country e.g from the image above, Mexico is the top neighbour to both Belize and Guatemala
  • The path to countries that are adjacent to each other is not possible e.g it is not possible to go from Belize to Guatemala. In a future edition it will be implemented.