
Different types of data analytics projects : EDA, PDA, DDA, TSA and much more.....

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Different types of data analytics projects : EDA, PDA, DDA, TSA and much more.....


  1. Car Feature Analysis
  2. Iris Classifier Model Comparison
  3. COVID-19 Analysis and Prediction
  4. Airbnb Explanatory Data Analysis
  5. IMDb Sentiment Analysis
  6. Mall Customer Clustering
  7. IPL Explanatory Data Analysis
  8. Movie Recommendation Engine
  9. Credit Card Fraud Detection
  10. Hotel Reviews Sentiment Prediction
  11. Loan Default Prediction
  12. Flight Passenger Traffic : TSA
  13. Suicide Rate Analysis
  14. Videogames Sales Prediction and EDA
  15. Stock Market Prediction and Analysis using LSTM
  16. Bank Customer Churn Prediction
  17. Heart Attack Prediction
  18. SMS Spam Detection using NLP
  19. World Happiness EDA
  20. HR Data Analytics
  21. Udemy Course Recommendation and Auditor
  22. Animated Time Series Graphs