
Detect and predict the onset or presence of hepatic disease in the patient using machine learning

Primary LanguagePython

Liver Disease Predictor


Problem :

What is the main cause of liver disease? There are many types of liver disease, which can be caused by infections, inherited conditions, obesity and misuse of alcohol. Over time, liver disease may lead to scarring and more serious complications. Early treatment can help heal the damage and prevent liver failure.


This Web app will help you to predict whether a person has chances of cardiac arrest or is prone to get it in future by analysing the values of several features using the Decision Tree Classifier.


Building an application that can predict the occurrence of a cardiac arrest or the possible causes of it by indicating the highly relevant factors.


│   └───__pycache__
|   └─── home.py
|   └─── data.py
|   └─── predict.py
|   └─── visualize.py
└─── main.py
└─── web_functions.py
└─── requirements.txt
└─── Procfile
└─── setup.sh


Incase the application demo doesn't start real quick, you can get an idea about how it looks like from the screenshots

image image image image 1 image

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