
CS50 Flask Blog is a blogging application designed for private use. Built with Flask and stylised with Bootstrap, CS50 Flask Blog allows users to write and store posts on a local machine.

Primary LanguagePython

CS50 Flask Blog

A private blogging application built with Flask. My final project for CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science 2024.


Watch it: https://youtu.be/oietie4MTpk


CS50 Flask Blog is a blogging application designed for private use. Built with Flask and stylised with Bootstrap, CS50 Flask Blog allows users to write and store posts on a local machine.


  • Create user account with password
  • Write, edit and delete blog posts
  • Rich text editor for writing and editing blog posts
  • Change username and password


  • cs50
  • Flask
  • Flask-CKEditor
  • Flask-Session
  • Werkzeug

Running Locally

Requires Python to be installed first.

  1. Clone this repository locally

    git clone https://github.com/MainakSil/cs50x_Final_Project.git
    cd cs50x_Final_Project
  2. Create Python virtual environment

    python -m venv venv
  3. Activate Python virtual environment




    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the project

    flask --app blog run

Project Files

CS50 Flask Blog is built by utilising Flask Blueprints to make the application scalable and easy to maintain. The application files are stored in the main app folder blog/.

The root folder of CS50 Flask Blog contains requirements.txt, a list of dependency packages of the project.

The blog/ folder contains the following Python files for the Flask application:

  • __init__.py: For initialising the application, include Flask Blueprints for auth, blogging and account
  • helpers.py: For helper functions that are used across the whole project, including setting certain pages as visible only if the user has logged in, and displaying apology messages
  • auth.py: For creating and logging in user account
  • blogging.py: For creating, editing, deleting and displaying blog posts
  • account.py: For changing username and password
  • info.py: For information about CS50 Flask Blog

In addition, the blog/ folder contins the following subfolders:

  • database/: Includes the blog.db SQL database file used for the entire application, storing data for user account and blog posts
  • static/: For static files for the project, including CSS, favicon and asset files
  • templates/: Page templates for the application, divided for different components:
    • layout.html: Base layout for the entire application, including the navigation bar (_navbar.html) and footer (_footer.html) components
    • apology.html: Page for displaying apology messages
    • auth/ subfolder: Pages for user account registration (register.html) and user log-in (login.html).
    • blogging/ subfolder: Pages for the home page (index.html), blog post creation (create.html), blog post editing and deletion (edit.html) and displaying posts (_postlist.html)
    • account/ subfolder: Page for changing username and password (account.html)


Author : MAINAK SIL.




DATE: 24th MAY 2024.