
This repo contains all of the work done to create a classification model that predicts the severity of a traffic accident

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



To create a classification model that can predict the severity of the traffic accident based on various variables


  • Planning
  • Acquire
  • Prepare
  • Explore
  • Model
  • Evaluate
  • Conclusion

Data Dictionary

Attribute Description
1 ID This is a unique identifier of the accident record.
2 Source Indicates source of the accident report (i.e. the API which reported the accident.).
3 TMC A traffic accident may have a Traffic Message Channel (TMC) code which provides more detailed description of the event.
4 Severity Shows the severity of the accident, a number between 1 and 4, where 1 indicates the least impact on traffic (i.e., short delay as a result of the accident) and 4 indicates a significant impact on traffic (i.e., long delay).
5 Start_Time Shows start time of the accident in local time zone.
6 End_Time Shows end time of the accident in local time zone. End time here refers to when the impact of accident on traffic flow was dismissed.
7 Start_Lat Shows latitude in GPS coordinate of the start point.
8 Start_Lng Shows longitude in GPS coordinate of the start point.
9 End_Lat Shows latitude in GPS coordinate of the end point.
10 End_Lng Shows longitude in GPS coordinate of the end point.
11 Distance(mi) The length of the road extent affected by the accident.
12 Description Shows natural language description of the accident.
13 Number Shows the street number in address field.
14 Street Shows the street name in address field.
15 Side Shows the relative side of the street (Right/Left) in address field.
16 City Shows the city in address field.
17 County Shows the county in address field.
18 State Shows the state in address field.
19 Zipcode Shows the zipcode in address field.
20 Country Shows the country in address field.
21 Timezone Shows timezone based on the location of the accident (eastern, central, etc.).
22 Airport_Code Denotes an airport-based weather station which is the closest one to location of the accident.
23 Weather_Timestamp Shows the time-stamp of weather observation record (in local time).
24 Temperature(F) Shows the temperature (in Fahrenheit).
25 Wind_Chill(F) Shows the wind chill (in Fahrenheit).
26 Humidity(%) Shows the humidity (in percentage).
27 Pressure(in) Shows the air pressure (in inches).
28 Visibility(mi) Shows visibility (in miles).
29 Wind_Direction Shows wind direction.
30 Wind_Speed(mph) Shows wind speed (in miles per hour).
31 Precipitation(in) Shows precipitation amount in inches, if there is any.
32 Weather_Condition Shows the weather condition (rain, snow, thunderstorm, fog, etc.)
33 Amenity A POI annotation which indicates presence of amenity in a nearby location.
34 Bump A POI annotation which indicates presence of speed bump or hump in a nearby location.
35 Crossing A POI annotation which indicates presence of crossing in a nearby location.
36 Give_Way A POI annotation which indicates presence of give_way in a nearby location.
37 Junction A POI annotation which indicates presence of junction in a nearby location.
38 No_Exit A POI annotation which indicates presence of no_exit in a nearby location.
39 Railway A POI annotation which indicates presence of railway in a nearby location.
40 Roundabout A POI annotation which indicates presence of roundabout in a nearby location.
41 Station A POI annotation which indicates presence of station in a nearby location.
42 Stop A POI annotation which indicates presence of stop in a nearby location.
43 Traffic_Calming A POI annotation which indicates presence of traffic_calming in a nearby location.
44 Traffic_Signal A POI annotation which indicates presence of traffic_signal in a nearby location.
45 Turning_Loop A POI annotation which indicates presence of turning_loop in a nearby location.
46 Sunrise_Sunset Shows the period of day (i.e. day or night) based on sunrise/sunset.
47 Civil_Twilight Shows the period of day (i.e. day or night) based on civil twilight.
48 Nautical_Twilight Shows the period of day (i.e. day or night) based on nautical twilight.
49 Astronomical_Twilight Shows the period of day (i.e. day or night) based on astronomical twilight.


  • Look for project ideas
  • Find the data for the project
  • Explore data to identify the target variable
  • Outline steps to proceed forward


  • Acquired data from Kaggle
  • Initially had 3 million observations
  • Filtered the data down by state
  • Chose only to work with California data
  • Saved the copy of the data on the local machine
  • Prepared a acquire.py module


  • Read the data
  • Dropped redundant columns
  • Normalized the column names
  • Dropped na
  • Extracted features like the day, month, and duration
  • Data conversion from boolean type to int type
  • Generated dummy variables for some of the categorical variables
  • Prepared a prepare.py module to store all of the functions


  • Explored relationship between independent and dependent variables
  • Density plot of all of the numeric variables
  • Count plot of the categorical varibales
  • Plotted lat and long after filtering the data by different class of target var to identify the hotspots


  • Selected 15 features using selectKBest
  • Used various classification algorithms to create models
  • Trained these models on train data set


  • Models were evaluated using their accuracy
  • RandomForest performed consistenly better than other models in all train, validate, and test data
  • RandomFores is the final model

Next steps

  • Do the entire project again but using all of the 3 million observations
  • Explore if KNN can be used without having to wait 10+ hours to train the model
  • Explore other classification algorithms to see if they can imporve accuracy