Few Shot Learning - A Case Study

Recently, with the advert of deep learning resources and limited availability of training data, researchers have started working in few shot learning. Few shot learning has many applications from object recognition to voice conversion. More details can be found at https://maitreyapatel.github.io/few_shot_part_1.html.

In this repository, I will be focusing on analyzing existing few-shot learning applications and various methodologies. Furthermore, I will be analyzing effects of different architecture. And I will be applying different methods across domains (Computer Vision, NLP, and Speech Technology). To learn more about few-shot learning please follow me on my blog.

Current Approach and it's status:

  1. As of now, I'm experimenting with RelationNetwork. And as of now RelationNetwork is trained and tested with proposed regular CNN and DNN based architecture.


If you are interested and wants to contribute in this case study, send me a message via https://maitreyapatel.github.io/contact.html.