
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Created by Mai Van Wagner - Live Site

Table of Contents - NETFLIX

Non-Technical Overview

This project is a simplified front end clone of Netflix. It was created with React, firebase (for hosting and authentication), and firebase Stripe extension so users can make a payment with Stripe. It uses The MovieDB APIs to search for movies and display details.

Core Features

  • Login, logout and create a new account.
  • Access to the list of movies.
  • Search, add, remove movie from the wished list.
  • Make a payment with Stripe;

Technical Overview

I focused on the following considerations:

  1. Design elegant UX without having a designer by leveraging open source UI libraries
  2. Adhered to React and ES6 best practices to generate a true single page reactive web app experience.
  3. Controlled access to paid content by syncing subscriptions with Firebase Authentication.
  4. Applied APIs that are provied by TMDB to get a list of movies depends on the different queries.

Stripe test number account:


  • Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • MM/YY: 04 / 24
  • CVC: 242
  • ZIP: 42424