
Googleplaystore analysis with SQL and Power BI

Google Play Store Analysis with SQL and Power BI

Project Overview

This project focuses on analyzing the Google Play Store data using SQL for data cleaning and leveraging Power BI for analysis and visualizations. The primary objective is to extract valuable insights into app trends, user ratings, and overall performance within the Google Play Store. By leveraging SQL and Power BI, this project provides a comprehensive approach to analyze and visualize the Google Play Store data, enabling stakeholders to make data-driven decisions for app development, marketing strategies, and enhancing user engagement.

Project Structure

  • sql_queries.sql: Includes SQL queries to extract, clean, and transform the data.
  • GooglePlayStore.pbix: Power BI report file containing visualizations and dashboards.


Power BI Analysis

Power BI was employed to conduct in-depth analysis and generate interactive visualizations based on the Google Play Store data. The purpose of this analysis was to gain insights into various aspects of app performance and user engagement.

Power BI Visualizations

  • The GooglePlayStore.pbix file contains a collection of visualizations and interactive dashboards.
  • Visualizations include bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts, showcasing app categories, ratings distribution, and user reviews.
  • The dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of app performance and enable users to explore the data in a user-friendly manner.
  • Key insights can be gained by analyzing trends, ratings, and prices to make informed decisions for app development and marketing strategies.

Setup Instructions

  1. Download dataset from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QAbWf03on0IAvOZltN7X65QR57I3PILg/view?usp=sharing
  2. Ensure you have a SQL database management system installed and create a database to import the dataset.
  3. Open the GooglePlayStore.pbix file in Power BI to explore the visualizations and dashboards.