- 0
- 4
ESP8266 LittleFS
#27 opened by rudiars - 2
Compile and runtime problems with Examples
#25 opened by ElbyMann - 3
- 1
esp8266 support
#24 opened by probonopd - 4
Adaptation onto ESP32 Dev module
#19 opened by VividHobby - 1
PLAYLIST.TXT par ordre alphabétiques
#22 opened by music59940 - 8
- 8
- 6
- 10
No Midi output use!
#16 opened by derGraph - 6
Compiling Error
#15 opened by derGraph - 6
- 4
Some files which played under the previous version now fail to play with error 7.
#13 opened by urbantigerau - 7
Problem with pause/resume of MIDI file play.
#12 opened by urbantigerau - 15
- 9
Hardware Interface wiring
#9 opened by the-force-2000 - 6
Help wanted: Sync with external midi clock
#6 opened by nutrun - 2
Midi Track Functions
#5 opened by cpethica - 4
- 2
Can't compile MD_MIDIFile_Dump
#3 opened by vintageradio - 1
big gap when running in looping mode
#2 opened by robmint